My Cheap Throw-together sub- update

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The listening test...

I finally have them together all the way, and I have been experimenting with setup and listening to a variety of music.
The overall sound is nice and full and clean, to a point. I am enjoying the music much more now than I was before the sub, so I guess you can call this a success.
From a critical point of view, there are a few problems.
1. I still need to make a LT to get better extension. The bottom isn't quite "punchy" enough. Using the line-level inputs I was able to coax a lot more bottom out of them, but then I ran into the woofers' tendency to break up at extreme volumes. I guess one can't expect much from a $12 woofer, eh? The good news is that it takes quite a bit to really push them to that limit. At normal to loud levels they stay very clean. On Aaron Copeland's "Buckaroo Holiday" the bass drum impact is very realistic (I used to play orchestral percussion in high school, so I would know). Only on the loudest transient in this piece do the woofers reach their limit at realistic concert volumes.
2. The mid-bass is a little wooly... I am not getting enough attenuation, even with the crossover set at 40Hz. It's really not bad... just a little too warm. Then again, my MTM's were a lot on the lean side, so that is what I am used to.
I am hoping that using a LT in the future along with the crossover will help with this (by boosting the lows... I think I am using the crossover to get a little more extension right now- low crossover point with higher overall level).

All in all, they integrate really nicely with my system, especially using the high level inputs. Orchestral and pipe organ music is excellent. Rock is lacking a little kick drum punch, but is probably erring toward the unexaggerated side, which I guess is better, all considered.
For the money, I am happy ;)

8 woofers at 12.50 each- $100 US. + shipping
250 Watt Sub amp- $120 shipped
MDF and cabinet stuff- $75

So, about $300 for a lot of fun!
Here's a picture:


  • system.jpg
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Joined 2002
Hi mate,
It looks very impresssive for a $300 project!. It must be all those drivers and the huge boxes;)

As for your response problems, you may be seeing the effects of room modes/gain. Try moving the speaker around a little and see if the response evens out. Or you could just build another one to match!;)

Have you measured the response of the system as a whole in your room? you might be better off just building a single channel sweepable parametic EQ, then you could use it either to simulate a linkwitz transform or maybe notch out a problem frequency.
Tha ks for the suggestions...

The response problems really aren't all that bad. The EQ does sound like it would be a lot more flexible. I think I might build one. Unfortunately, the size of this monster makes placement options limited. It's basically either the right side, or the left. What is interesting is that I had the cabinet operating with 1 driver missing (had a terminal break off) and the low lows were more present. I ran it through bassbox, and the tuning with one 7" hole wasn't too far off ideal for the box. I may end up porting it! I really do like the tight controlled sound that a closed box gives. Maybe EQ first, and then porting as a last resort?
Anywho... for right now I am satisfied. The system has slightly exceded my expectations. I can't imagine what something like this could do with good drivers!
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