Seattle DIY@ Adire (duplicate post)

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Over on the Madisound forum there was a complaint that there wasn't any DIY meets in the area. Given that VSAC isn't going to happen and "The Puget Sound" was scheduled to be on the alternating year , so as not to compete with VSAC, folks in the Pacific Northwest were stuck without a venue to display their masterpieces.
Dispair no longer, Dan Wiggins has offered to fill the void by hosting the Seattle DIY event on Saturday, October 15. If you haven't met Dan, he's a pretty nice fact, if his character weren't marred by his nearly insane jealosy of my groundbreaking speaker designs.......well OK, I'm here to help Dan, not to tell the truth :^)
He did ask me to get the word out, or else my Radio Shack SPL meter (left at Adire by accident) gets used for testing his Parthenon Subwoofer!

Seriously Dan hosts a great event and everyone seems to have a great time.
Hope to see you there,

So if you're interested, here's some of the details posted on the Madisound Forum by Dan:

2006 196th Street SW, Suite 102, Lynnwood, WA 98036. Exit 181B off of I-5. We'll run from Noon to 6-7 PM or so...

If there are commercial vendors who come, they'll be limited to 2 speaker systems. I want to see what the DIYers have!

Electronics will be welcome, too... We have two complete sets of electronics (SACD/DVD player, preamp, amplifier), but could use a 3rd. Anyone have some cool electronics they want to bring for a 3rd rack?

Judging - we can do a "best of show" type judging if you like.

Dan Wiggins
Adire Audio
What's the protocol for these things? Can people simply show up and listen, or is it assumed that everybody there will have a project to show off and will have made arrangements ahead of time?

Sorry if these are foolish questions, but I've never had one of these things pop up in my area, at a convenient time, and I have no idea how they work.
I noticed from your last post that in are back living in Indiana. That's quite a commute just to come to the meet, once again proving that you're the hardest working man in audio:^)

FYI: I'm not the Grand Po-Bah of this event, merely a humble servant of "The Sound."

However, I will be attending the meet in fulfillment of my solemn duty as The Great Appreciator.

I'll be posting a few more details shortly.
Best Regards,
I just had a second thought (Wow, two in one day!). I've probably mentioned this before, but sometime when you're not too busy, I should take you over to see my Channeler, Kray Z. Knight who can put you in touch with Lester, the 50,000 year old Audiophile.
My Channeler also was able to suggest a personal mantra that has been lifechanging, to say the least. Although a personal Mantra is probably only worthwhile to a specific person, you might want to try mine and see if it helps.

It goes: "Spen Dital, Gottahaf Mobettawire".

This ancient Sanscrit chant has certainly helped me, I no longer worry about making ends meet or anything. Just Phenomenal!!!!!!!!!
Let me know when you, or one of your other personalities can make it.

Best Regards,
Update to Seattle DIY Meet

Hi All,
Just a reminder that the Seattle DIY meet is next Saturday, the 12th (starting at High Noon), at Adire Audio in Lynnwood. If it's not too much trouble, can we have a show of hands for those planning on showing up?

So far, given the casual nature of the event, it looks as if there should be an interesting turnout. I'm going to bring my "Hi-Tweek" Radio Shack 1197 full range speakers, maybe another pair of something or other and a gainclone amp.

Aaron Gilbert, who always seems to have something interesting, is bringing his new speakers. He won't elaborate beyond they're somewhat big and green (of course!).

Dave Rosgaard, "the 200% Norwegian" who won the 2-way, 3-way and The Best Sound of Show at the last "Puget Sound" Speaker contest is bringing not one, but TWO pairs of identical speakers (well, almost). Actually, Dave told me that while the drivers and cabinets are identical, the crossovers are different. I'm betting that one of them has a Series Crossover, although I could be mistaken. We'll see if we can tell a difference.

Tim Foreman is going to be there, and may bring some of his noncommercial speakers. Jeez, he must have a warehouse of his DIY designs, it's gotta be nice to just grab a couple of pairs of speakers as you go out the door. He's a good guy and always has interesting designs. We'll see what he shows up with.

Kevin Haskins has threatened to bring some of his new MDF creations (Choice of finish, Smooth or Dented) along with one of his UCD Amps as well as some "door prizes". It may be that I'll bring some Audiophile Bondo just in case Kevin decides to do an "upgrade" to his speakers at the meet.
I've heard some of Kevin's speakers and certainly can't fault his design choices.

John Van Ommen, I never can remember exactly how he spells his last name (Boo-Hiss!), has mentioned that he may bring his Honda with the Horn loaded drivers for a Car Audio experience. Sure hope he makes it, as I've been reading his posts for several years now on various forums and really believe he's seriously advancing the art of car audio (and I don't mean Ka-Boom Ka-Boom).

Bob Reimer of CSS in Canada won't be able to attend, but has offered a pair of his FR125 drivers to the cause. These are just wonderful drivers, along with Bob's WR125's.

On the various forums are regulars that I'm familiar with, but don't know if I've ever met. Anyhow "Mac" has mentioned bringing his Squeezebox/NSLU2 setup, and "tq3" has mentioned bringing his Roku M 500 for a comparison. I sure hope they do, as this may very well be the direction we'll all be headed in the future.
"Willie the Squid" has said he may bring Poinz' 6 Watt Musical Machine. I'm intrigued to say the least.

Now, some have asked if the infamous "Parthenon" Subwoofer driver will be there. Dan Wiggins has assured me that Adire will have it ready for action. Without going into details, I dutifully reminded Dan that if he insisted on using a 4x4 diaphragm (that's 4 foot by 4 foot!), with the Parthenon, he should have one of his diver buddies supply a portable decompression chamber. Well, to make a long story short, Dan has now stated that he'll use a 2x2 diaphragm for the meet, so it should be relatively safe. Just remember, "I" probably saved your life, so I expect to be treated with respect:^)

Best Regards,
Terry Olson
I planned to show up and just do some listening if that's ok.

It definately is not ok to show up and "just do some listening!" You must prepare youself in order that what you will experience at the Seattle DIY Meet doesn't overwhelm you. Synaptic Collapse is not altogether unheard of, although Overdriven Aural Excitement (OAM) is more common, but rapidly recovered from.
My suggestion would be to bring some of your favorite cd's and request that music you're familiar with be played. This will allow you to ease into and be assimulated by the sound without being confronted with unfamiliar music being played by unbelievable gear.

BTW: this initial consultation is provided as a public service:angel:
Best Regards,
PS; Actually I think you'll enjoy yourself and everybody's welcome.
I believe you meant this Saturday, the 15th. In any event, I plan to attend and bring a friend.

Wow! The onset of "Old Timer's Disease" is hard to deal with. You're absolutely correct, and I'm glad that you pointed it out.
The Seattle DIY Meet is on Saturday, October 15 (not the 12th as I mistakenly posted earlier.)

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