help, any subwoofer equivalent to

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I'm looking for a subwoofer, wich must have at least 95dB SPL. The only one I know of is FW305 from Fostex and olso it's big brother with 80cm diameter.
If you know of any other brand with similar parameters, I would really appreciate your help.

Many thanks in advance for your help and interest

kind regards

Hi leadbelly,

Well, this is an active subwoofer beeing done for me eventually.
I know that FS had to be 30Hz at least.
the only thing is that I'm looking for other loudspeakers to have a rough idea of what there is and waht can I choose.
thanks anyway for response

There's actually plenty of high efficiency subs out there. Since I don't know which ones you can get locally, just have a look at LDSG:

HOWEVER, I don't understand why high efficiency is so important for an active sub driver. Are you powering this with a tube or SS Class A amp? If you are powering it with a commercial solid state AB amp, you shouldn't be narrowing your choice to 95 dB drivers.
Hi Leadbelly again,

well, it's for matching FE207E in bass reflex. the amplifier I use is DIY from, named Ultra.

I can get any speaker from USA as my brother lives in Salt Lake City, and shippment would be not to expensive. When I bought the FE207E's , shippment to Spain was as expensive as the speakers. Still, it was better price alltogether than here in europe. Olso, people at Madisound were very helpful.

thanks, I'll chek now your link
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