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GB for Virtins MI Pro for RTX6001 autoranging/autoscaling & for soundcard end users

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GB for Virtins MI Pro for RTX6001 autoranging/autoscaling & for soundcard end users

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): This is a Group Buy (GB) announcement to purchase Virtins Multi-Instruments Pro version software at a discounted price that will have a custom built API designed to remote control the internal RTX6001 attenuators / gains thereby allowing the RTX6001 to perform like a professional audio grade analyzer, e.g., Audio Precision, etc. The latter software audio analyzer specific API remote control give the RTX6001 true autoranging and autoscaling capabilities, (something not possible without a customized API, i.e., no other 3rd party audio analyzer software can achieve this type of functionality). This GB is open to all diyaudio and non-diyaudio alike from the date of this posting to the end of July 2018 at which point this GB will officially close. Note: Non-RTX6001 owners (soundcard MI Pro users) will want to skip paragraph # 1 below and go straight to paragraph # 2 below instead). GB ends on July 31, 2018 so please be sure to sign up before this date to take advantage of this GB pricing / offer (see paragraph 4 of this document for details).

Please see my posting # 74 at: GB for Virtins MI Pro for RTX6001 autoranging/autoscaling & for soundcard end users - Page 8 - diyAudio

Please see my posting # 143 at: GB for Virtins MI Pro for RTX6001 autoranging/autoscaling & for soundcard end users - Page 15 - diyAudio


There are two primary groups this GB is targeted to:

1. If you’re currently an RTX6001 owner, the aforementioned custom API allows for the remote control of the RTX6001’s internal attenuators and gain settings thereby allowing true autoranging and autoscaling is a no brainer (from this poster’s perspective). I am part of the original RTX6001 GB and I wanted this particular feature so I facilitated this custom API idea between Jens and Virtins. I am not employed nor am I a consultant to either RTX nor Virtins, but I have been acting in the role of facilitator for this project. Shown below is further information on this type of worthwhile feature:

a. With respect to the autoranging and autoscaling, as Jens has pointed out, many users might prefer manual selections of the input voltage range and AC/DC coupling from the software. If the input signal is stable, then they can also press the “Auto” button at the upper right corner of MI Pro to let the software select both the Sampling Rate and Input Voltage Range automatically. For output, the software will always do auto-ranging. That is, if the user select an amplitude of 2V, then the software will set the output range to +/-10V; if the user select an amplitude of 0.5V, then the software will set the output range to +/- 1V, and so on. Once the software starts, the manual control knobs and switches on the RTX-6001 front panel will be disabled until the software exits. So there may be relay switching during the handover of the control.

b. https://bit.ly/2sitGNZ. This is a well written post IMO, but please pay particular attention to this part of the post: “…Another huge difference is the analog scalar front-end in AP. The controller in the analyzer is constantly monitoring input levels and scales them to the most ideal range for its ADC. This allows the internal ADC to work at its most linear and optimized level. In addition, the same logic allows measurements of high voltage inputs up to something like 150 volts! This is necessary for measurements of amplifier that can output such high voltages. If you connected an amp to a sound card input it would blow it up in an instant…

c. https://bit.ly/2IYhbNA. Note where this poster (same poster as in 1.a. directly above) writes: “…Had not seen that one before [i.e., RTX6001]. Nice to see very high voltage input capability. But does it not have autoscaling? I see those presets in front and worry that you are one wrong click away from damaging in the inputs…” Note that once the MI Pro GB goes through and the custom API is written to remote control the RTX6001’s internal attenuators / gains that the knobs on the front of the RTX6001 are no longer used / needed, i.e., part of the beauty of the custom API is the autoscaling functionality it will bring to RTX6001 end users. Please note however that the RTX6001 does have internal protection though, so even without autoscaling the inputs wouldn’t be damaged as this poster alludes to (since the poster doesn’t own an RTX6001, he may not have been aware of that feature).

2. Even if you are not an RTX6001 owner, this MI Pro GB is probably something many will be interested in. The reason I state this is simply due to the fact that 99.9% of all audio analyzers on the market can measure the old fashioned distortion methods (e.g., THD and IMD) and MI Pro also does these latter two as well. However, the HUGE difference is that MI Pro is the only audio analyzer in the world, regardless of cost, that can also measure:

a. Dr. Earl Geddes’s psychoacoustically based “GedLee” Gm distortion. Please see the many AES and related papers at Dr. Gedde’s website for further clarification: https://bit.ly/2J1YE3i. To see the GedLee Metric (Gm distortion) in action, please download the MI Pro PDF manual @ https://bit.ly/2LaJZ6x and see page 234.

b. Non-coherent distortion + noise (NCD+N). For details please download this AES PDF document https://bit.ly/2ITRmCG and watch this AES YouTube presentation https://bit.ly/2IZvDFe. Interested parties should also obtain this AES paper on the same topic https://bit.ly/2LIhOgc. To see NCD+N in action, please download the MI Pro PDF manual @ https://bit.ly/2LaJZ6x and see page # 187, (the latter is the “Total” NCD+N).

c. Those of you who visit the excellent InnerFidelity website will note that a lot of changes are going on, i.e., Tyll’s recently announced retirement, change of ownership, etc. At this URL https://bit.ly/2xsQ5gl you’ll see that the new InnerFidelity measurement guru (Keith Howard) is now moving beyond THD and will be measuring using the GedLee Metric Gm and NCD measurements as well (a huge step in the right direction insofar as using modern scientifically based perceptual distortion models over that of the old fashioned and non-psychoacoustically relevant THD and IMD).

d. Please note there are other unique measurement features that no other audio analyzer sold on the market has, all of which are currently in the works for MI Pro in the future as well. Just as with the GedLee Metric (Gm distortion) and the NCD+N which make MI Pro the only such audio analyzer in the world that does such distortion measurements, regardless of cost, there are more such unique features planned for MI Pro in the future, but I can’t divulge more information on them at this point in time, (some related to distortion measurements and some completely unrelated to distortion but other important audio objective measurements). Related to this, please see page # 6 of this document, paragraph 11.d. concerning the FREE upgrades for the same license level for life that equates to a no-cost benefit to use as an MI Pro end user.

3. I do not want to get bogged down into a debate about the merits of the above, if you’re not interested in this GB, that is totally your choice to make, but I do respectfully request that others do not criticize the above mentioned features for argument’s sake. I do not want to invest the time going down various rabbit holes trying to justify to others on an Internet forum why I personally believe the merits of the above make perfect sense (to me). If the above is not something you personally are interested in, please feel free to pass up this GB and allow others to engage without side tracking the conversation. Thank you for your understanding in this request.

4. Here is how the MI Pro GB will work:

a. In order to get the custom API we have to have at least 42 MI Pro orders as part of this GB (so please DO NOT go now to Virtin’s website to order MI Pro, otherwise you’ll pay full price for it (not the discounted GB price) and we will not get the RTX6001 custom API to allow for autoranging / autoscaling). Instead, sign up for this GB and Virtins will setup a special website at the end of this GB offer, i.e., GB ends on July 31, 2018, so special Virtins MI Pro GB website will setup by Virtins in the first week of Aug 2018. You will be directed on where to purchase from Virtins directly at that point, (I am not involved directly in the sale of MI Pro, only in running this GB offer).

b. It is important for everyone to understand how Virtins licenses MI, so a quick explanation is given below:

** Please download attached PDF for details **

(1) Please note that this GB is for the MI Pro version (normal price $199 USD) and not the others MI versions as depicted in the screenshot above. Note too that the custom API for the RTX6001 as well as the NCD+N and the GedLee Gm distortion only reside in MI Pro and above, i.e., not in the MI Lite or MI Standard versions.

(2) Also note, this GB is for MI Pro *plus* the USB hardware dongle (unlock) key for it, not the MI Pro software license version. As the above screenshot shows, the cost of the USB dongle cost an additional $39.95 (but it is included with in the sale of MI Pro on this GB). This GB does not allow for anyone to purchase MI Pro with a software only license, only with a USB hardware license. This has the major advantage to the end user that MI Pro can be easily moved from PC to PC as well as the advantage that if ones’ PC were to have a major hard drive crash and/or become infect with malware that could not be removed, the MI Pro license of the end user is still safe (just don’t lose your MI Pro USB dongle J).

(3) Additionally, once the list of individuals signed up for the GB is at least 42 or higher, all the MI Pro “add-on” licenses are eligible to be purchased at the same time as the GB MI Pro purchase, at a 10% discount. This GB discount offer will not be repeated in the future. That means if you want the special discounted GB pricing, plus the 10% discount on top of all of this for add-on software modules to MI Pro (not for any Virtins hardware) you’ll want to sign up for this GB now and pay up once Virtins setups the special GB only website (I’ll announce the latter order URL via email to all individuals who sign up for the GB per the below). Likewise, one can purchase the MI Full Package version which normally sells for $499.95 at a 10% discount only during this GB offer time as well. See below screenshot for the various MI Pro add-on modules (they are not required to be purchased in order to get into this GB nor are they required for the custom API for the RTX6001 or the NCD+N or GedLee Gm distortion):

** Please download attached PDF for details **

5. How GB pricing works. The GB pricing is basically depicted in the below table, (please note: free express shipping anywhere in the world via registered mail on all the below):

** Please download attached PDF for details **

6. There will be no further discounts offered off of the MI Pro price after an order of 112 or higher, i.e., a that will be about a 21% discounted price compared to the normal price of MI Pro, plus one has to factor in that they can purchase at the same time as the GB the 10% discount of MI add-on modules too.

7. Individuals are allowed to purchase as many GB MI Pro licenses or GB add-on modules at the same time of the GB purchase if they so choose.

8. To sign up for this GB please post to this diyaudio GB forum, the number of MI Pro licenses you desire to sign up to purchase as well as any MI add-on modules.

9. In addition to # 8 above, please send an email to (please see attached PDF) with the following table filled out (please type it vs. printing it out and hand filing / scanning it in, i.e., I want to be able to read your writing :happy1:).

** Please download attached PDF for details **

10. I have arranged between Jens of RTX and my point of contact at Virtins for RTX to obtain MI Pro licenses and for Virtins to obtain one RTX6001 unit with both Mod # 1 and # 2 installed, (the latter has been done for a while now). Virtins has reported back to Jens and I that they can indeed remote control the RTX6001 hardware. Once we reach at least 42 sells of MI Pro (or higher) Virtins will finish up the development of MI Pro’s custom API to remote control the RTX6001 and the beta testing will take place with Jens also being one of the main beta testers. The cost of making the API for any audio analyzer firm without having some type of guaranteed return on investment is simply too high to put the proverbial chart before the horse, i.e., the API won’t be fully completed until after at least 42 GB MI Pro licenses are sold. However, Virtins has a LOT of experience in programming such API MI to audio analyzer hardware, (see PDF attached labeled “MI Pro Customization for RTX-6001.pdf” that I’m posting along with this posting to get a feel for how this will work insofar as integration).

11. If you want to read more about MI Pro, please see the following URL links:

a. Brochure: http://www.virtins.com/Multi-Instrument-Brochure.pdf.

b. Manual: http://www.virtins.com/Multi-Instrument-Manual.pdf . I suggest you user the “search” feature of your Adobe PDF reader program to make quick keyword searches, e.g., GedLee, NCD, etc.

c. MI Pro Add-ons, please see para # 4.b.(3) on page # 3 of this document for details on GB discount pricing (i.e., 10% discount during this GB offer):

(1) Spectrum 3D Plot: http://www.virtins.com/multi-instrument-spectrum-3D-plot.shtml

(2) Data Logger: http://www.virtins.com/multi-instrument-data-logger.shtml

(3) LCR Meter: http://www.virtins.com/multi-instrument-LCR-meter.shtml

(4) Device Test Plan: http://www.virtins.com/multi-instrument-device-test-plan.shtml

(5) Vibrometer: http://www.virtins.com/multi-instrument-vibrometer.shtml

d. Unlike other audio analyzer software programs, it is important to note that with the purchase of MI Pro they get FREE upgrades for the same license level for life! That means all future updates, etc. you won’t be charge a cent for all future maintenance upgrades, new features (within your same type of MI Pro or above license), etc.!

12. If there are questions concerning this posting, please feel free to contact me at the email address shown in para # 9 of this PDF document. I have also asked Jens to chime in when necessary (thank you in advance Jens). If need be, I will reach back to my point of contact at Virtins to request assistance in answering any specific questions as well.


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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi MI Pro,
I'm in for the package plus the (4) Device Test Plan. I think that most users would probably get a lot of use out of that module.

Members, read up on the modules carefully, especially (4) above that I mentioned. The full package is a heck of a deal at $449.95 if you need all those add-on modules.


Edit: email sent
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Great initiative!

Having a complete solution with integration of SW and HW has come up as a request from several people on this forum and elsewhere. It will make measurements and documentation easier, since you don't have to manually control the settings and do the conversion from dBFS to V. dBV, dBu or whatever you need/prefer.

I will be testing the MI Pro SW/RTX6001 combination and I will of course do my best to help Virtins in case of issues with the interface between MI Pro and RTX6001. I do expect it to work smoothly though.

Thanks to MI Pro for organizing this group buy. I wish you all the best.

Joined 2005
Paid Member
From the Virtins web page:

System Requirement
Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10, 32 or 64 bit, screen resolution 1024×600 or higher.

It is a commercial product, not open source.

I know it's commercial (not free, as in free beer). It could still be open source though (in the sense that we can look at the code in order to understand what it does to our data).

But I guess the Virtins software is not my piece of cake. I don't think it offers any functionality that I can't get from free and open-source software (possibly with a somewhat steeper learning curve).
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi mbrennwa,
I looked at all the available software already. When I went through the Virtins MI site I realised that it was the only one that could run all the tests I needed for audio work, and with the test scheduling component it would save me a ton of time. What this GB is offering is something not offered by any other package, and that is integration with the hardware. This is huge, and you end up with an AP like test solution.

I haven't studied the additional new tests it does, but this is the package that gives me everything I could want out of the RTX-6001. In my view, this should be a no-brainer for anyone who bought an RTX-6001.

As for open source, they developed the API to run the RTX, so therefore you could too. But the effort to do this is vastly greater than buying this solution.

I tried the demo version, it installed some drivers dated 2012 into my Windows 7 PC :eek:

The software does work, after getting rid of error messages that it picked a sound card that was not plugged in. The whole feeling is that it's a software from the early days of Windows XP (GUI, menu, installation process ... etc).

While auto-ranging the RTX is nice, I don't see myself paying the price for this software.

PS. Uninstalling the software doesn't remove those drivers, they'll have to be removed manually from the Control Panel.


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MI Pro comments by AudioXpress reviewer & PDF showing integration w/ RTX6001

Hello Everyone,

I had forgotten to attached a PDF document showing how the API is envisaged to integrate with the RTX6001, (please see attached PDF document).

With respect to how an AudioXpress Magazine reviewer (Stuart Yaniger) who has written a very good series of articles in that magazine on such topics, please see his comment he made yesterday concerning Vitrins MI Pro at: Audio measurement gear | Page 9 | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum

Stuart Yaniger opines that MI pro is: "...amazingly powerful, worth every penny..."

If you haven't read Stuart's many superbly written articles please Google search: "audioxpress sound card audio analyzer review" and you'll be lead to many of his great reviews.

MI Pro


  • MI Pro Customization for RTX-6001.pdf
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Joined 2004
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Hi Alan,
I did download and mess around with the software a little, but ran out of time. I'm also very busy but I did see enough to form a decision to buy the MI Pro package with the scheduler package. This would allow you to put a series of tests together that would execute with one "go" command. So you could can a few test procedures and just launch the one you want, or you could certainly execute each test as you wanted. Either way, I will buy it, but the integration makes this an extremely powerful package, RTX and Virtins. It becomes an Audio Precision light if you will.

I use the RTX every single day almost. I need to invest in a software package that does everything I need it to, and ARTA doesn't. That and you have to set up and execute each tests manually. That means THD Left, THD Right, then if you want to get IMD, run through it again plus anything else you can think of. Then there is distortion verses power, which I want and don't know how to do it in ARTA.

Hanning vs. Hann window

Hello Alan,

Thanks for taking the time to read through the manual a bit and for making a comment. I think Virtins choose to use the "Hanning" vs. "Hann" window term as it is used (perhaps as you say, incorrectly) many, many times throughout the industry.

Just Google search the term: "Hanning window FFT" and you'll see a virtual smorgasbord of firms, individuals, etc. referring to it as a "Hanning" vs. Hann (or sometimes both). I am not debating the idea of the correct use of the term in that it should be referred to as a Hann window and not a Hanning window.

Even Wiki states the following on this: "...named after Julius von Hann, and sometimes referred to as Hanning, presumably due to its linguistic and formulaic similarities to the Hamming window..." per URL: Window function - Wikipedia

While I do not work as an employee of either Virtins or of RTX, and I'm acting in the role of facilitator only of this MI Pro GB (I really want the custom API for my RTX6001 analyzer...that's the main reason for my involvement in this whole affair).

However, for me personally, and only speaking for myself and no one else, I am more concerned with such matters if the analyzer in question were to do something incorrectly, i.e., measure incorrectly when applying a given window type, etc. For me, and perhaps me alone, the semantic terminology used in such a situation is of far less importance.

I guess that many, many others throughout the industry are incorrect insofar as the use of this Hanning vs. Hann window terminology, so in this context, Virtins is certainly not alone. I will check with them on the idea of their changing their manual based on your comment which is a very simple thing for them to do if they so choose via the "find and replace command," but we'll see I guess, (I just did so and the term "Hanning" comes up 13 times total in the 384 page MI Pro manual).

Thanks again for taking the time to read the manual and for making your salient comment with regard to Hanning v. Hann.

I wish you a pleasant evening and upcoming weekend in any event.

MI Pro
MI Pro GB question from diyaudio member (shared for clarification)

Hello Everyone,

Just to clarify something for everyone, today I received this excellent question from someone on the diyaudio forum via private message:

Hi again,

Please clarify something for me please. The group buy pricing range from $240 to $190 depending on the number of people that participate.

That base package on the Virtins website is $199.95 plus $39.95 for the USB dongle, making it $239.90. So at 42 people, that is the price, correct? So at that level, the gain is 10% discount on the add ons, so with all add ons, it'll be about $690?

Shown below are the answers to the above questions:

Yes, the GB price for the MI Pro license with the USB hardware ranges from ~$240 USD to ~$190 USD (with free worldwide express [registered] mail shipping) - - price varies depending on the number of people who sign on to participate in this MI Pro GB.

Yes, the base package on the Virtins website the end user cites above are indeed correct, i.e., $199.95 plus $39.95 for USB dongle = $239.90 USD for both (but discounts on the MI Pro license / USB dongle are set to occur as more MI Pro licenses are sold).

The question not asked in the above, is “why is there no discount on the MI Pro with USB dongle for the first 42 licenses sold?” The answer is that Virtins wanted a return on their investment (ROI) for their taking on the programming of the custom API to control the RTX6001 giving the latter hardware true autoranging and autoscaling capabilities.

The above is the ROI for Virtins, but even for non-RTX6001 GB members (soundcard based) they too benefit from this MI Pro GB in that they get the add-ons at a 10% discount or the full MI package at a 10% discount as part of this GB, (something not offered anywhere else).

Even if this GB only ended up having 42 MI Pro licenses with USB dongles sold, all users at that point also get 10% off on all MI add-on programs at that point. However, the above user’s comments concerning getting a 10% discount on all MI add-ons would not be the best value if one wants to own all of the MI add-ons. If one wants all of the MI add-ons then they should buy the “full MI package” for $449.95 (a 10% discount off of the normal “full MI package” price).

It is impossible to get the 10% discount price on the MI add-ons or conversely, the “full MI package” with all the add-ons unless we have 42 GB orders (or more). That could be a combination of 32 normal MI Pro orders and 10 full MI package orders or anything that takes us up to 42 MI Pro or higher licenses. Of course it makes no sense to purchase MI Pro add-ons if one doesn’t own the baseline MI Pro to begin with.

I hope the above answers other potential MI Pro GB’ers questions as well.


MI Pro
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