Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Any ~preN package in our repo is strictly a work in progress and not stable code. You might experience breakage for example full volume, volume not working, audio output not working, features not working, etc.

Always have a down stream volume control and keep it at a low level!

There is a thread in our Forum dedicated to upcoming 9 series. Please report any issues with the ~preN code in that thread.

I'm building my Moode Audio Player using this hardware:
  • Raspberry Pi CM4 compute module 2GB
  • CM4 IO Board
  • HifiBerry DAC+
  • Waveshare 7.9" DSI LCD/Touch screen
  • Waveshare PCIe to USB 3.2 Extension board.
So far I was able to start the Moode image and configure all to work as expected.
The only left problem is the touch screen not working correct. The scale of the pointer in Y direction does not match the screen resolution. X works perfect, in Y direction the pointer reaches the bottom of screen faster than touch position.
I invested several hours to find a solution without success. Even the tool xinput_calibrate could not help.
See video in link below to show what's happen.


Who can help?

moOde 9.0.0 is available in the Media Player OS section of the Raspberry Pi Imager or as a direct download at Visit the Forum for more information


The challenge is that there's almost no info at hifiberry on the device for example: dac chip model, bit depth/sample rate support, hardware volume support, alsa configs, and most importantly usage examples. Maybe there is something in their support Forum?

You can always use the "DT overlay" option in moode Audio Config to at least get the driver for the board loaded.
Suddenly, when I connect to Bluetooth headphone, the web homepage stuck in "Bluetooth Active / Bluetooth Control / Audio Info". I'm not able to do any further control (e.g. play audio, etc.).


When I disconnect bluetooth headphone as renderer, everything is fine.

I am using moOde 9.0.1. However, it once works, any idea how to fix this? Thx!~