is there any any good Mp3-Player??

hello all again. I have now a different issue on that acer aspire. sometimes the mouse cursor will start jumping up and down the whole screen about 10 times a second, even disconnecting the usb mouse does not help. only after reboot does it work again (both touchpad and mouse work properly in parallel again then). After some hours, randomly this issue can reappear, but I cannot reproduce it if I "want" to. So if a IT guy shows up who knows how to resolve this, it would for sure not happen until he left.
Status 2019:
Mouse issue solved late 2015 by disabling trackpad.
This computer mp3 setup has been working well until today.
Since a few months I am a Spotify premium user and the Mint Netbook is now a Spotify player with Spotify for Linux. I have gone through some fight to get most things working like downloaded files, local files, settings...
doing so, I remembered this 5 Years old thread and re-read it, laughing my *** off.
I am so grateful to Phofman, the superhero of this thread - Phofman, if you ever visit Vienna, make sure we meet and I 'll invite you for a beer or two!