Mini A vs.

This old topic is closed. If you want to reopen this topic, contact a moderator using the "Report Post" button. you get three hits...the search engine tells you about the above post, too. Oh, well.
Just tag the oldest one and you'll get there.


P.S.: You know, life's a funny thing. I just had an idea for a Maxi-A. Let me ponder on this for a bit.
Warning...heatsink shortage on the horizon...
GRollins said: you get three hits...the search engine tells you about the above post, too. Oh, well.
Just tag the oldest one and you'll get there.


P.S.: You know, life's a funny thing. I just had an idea for a Maxi-A. Let me ponder on this for a bit.
Warning...heatsink shortage on the horizon...

Let me pull out my paypal and order all the heat sink so you can't :D
This old topic is closed. If you want to reopen this topic, contact a moderator using the "Report Post" button.