Pearl Phono Stage Boards

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I just received my order for the Pearl boards and on first impression thought they were an order for the military.

They are very impressive indeed, screened, double sided and beautifully presented, not what I expected for a diy project.

Full credit to Mr Pass, Wayne and the crew at Passlabs.

best regards


Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I was quite impressed when I saw the pictures on the website:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Beautiful silkscreen, but shouldn't it be "copyright" instead of "copywrite"?

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I like the plate-through holes, very professional

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Good component spacing.

Oops, rite u r.

You shoud start thinking about rev.2 of the board which would use an additionl stage at the input for low output moving coil cartridges and possibly a buffer at the output. Nice job and keep up the good work.


P.S. See Jocko for a medal.
Ecellent Job Pass Gang-
I got my PCBs of the Pearl last week and yes, the PCBs are pretty to look at. All parts are clearly shown and spacing looks good too. And the documention is very clear with large prints. I am going to have to put this project in a special chassis.
Is the PCBs made special than other PCBs?
But an idea for the future, cause I know Mr. Pass keep you guys at Pass Labs jumping but how about a phono preamp with balance inputs and outputs?
Pearl Service from Karen

Well Karen,

I was intending to send you a personal email (my pc's mean off line a few days due re format of the HD).

Now that you have raised the issue I have to say the manner in which you dealt with my specific requirements and delivered ahead of time puts Passlabs in a Class of its own!

There is an integrity and a trust about the way Passlabs does business which is difficult to find these days.

Karen, what more can I say but you made my day.

I will ring you when I complete the project.

Best regards


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