Dear Dr. Nelson Pass

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More than needed

Frankly i find this thread topic slightly hard to believe.

Any amplifier is a modulated power supply, so you listen to the PSU. In certain respects things are similar to engines in a vague sort of way. Yes you might be able to get all the performance you need from a 125cc engine as it'll get you to 70MPH no problem. It just doesn't compare to a 1000cc motor though as it'll make the 125 model pale into comparison. It'll get there faster & have massive headroom (with respect to the 125cc full output).

Similar to a PSU, the massive one won't even flinch when driving any load that the smaller one might have problems with. I think the word i'm looking for is "effortless".

The same applies to audio. How effortless do you expect something to sound when you are nearing a devices full capability, or will something that is being driven to only a small fraction of it's capability sound less strained?

No brainer imo :)
why is that?

May be somethings does better than the others? Synergy?

As the old saying goes - like bread and butter? You know it's good like that so why is there a reason to think why? You could try bread and hot sauce but I doubt you like the results of it. :eek: Why is Fire HOT? Can the Fire be Cold?

Sure the speakers only demand less than 30W rms for normal listening. But is there a guarantee on the CD label saying "the peak passages in this recoding never exceeds certain dB so it requires less than 30W amplifier no matter what speakers are used"?

What happens when the recording suddenly demands 105dB peak from normal 85dB listening levels and the amp can't reproduce the 105dB peak in the music?

Well, there could be many answers to WHY? But to the exact reason, it probably depends on each person's experience and the gears they use. It never seem wrong with having more amplifiers power than having less amplifiers power. Of coz, one may never needs more power if he is absolutely sure and knows he doesn't need it (i.e. when your speakers have sensitivity over 100dB over the entire 20-20KHz range and you don't need to listen to 120dB).
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Its honesty my friend
Would you prefer "Mine are the best in the world", "no other are as good", and so forth
Anyone can say that about anything
Its just not to believe anyway

I suppose what you are being told here is that its something you have to experience for yourself
You have to work out what works for YOU
And it might be very different from what others like
No point in just doing what other people do
I guess its all about experience, and personal devellopment
And what you like just now, may be different in a few years

Like they say, "it sounds good until you have heard better ones"

But one of the major problems have always been "mating" the right units, in the right way
Im not sure whether its become easier today
Maybe it is, in the sense that its easier to get the right information about things
But you may have to realise that you may not like what the majority favours
You may have different speakers than others, different room, listen to different music, and so on

I cant count the many times I have thought "if only I had the speakers from back then, with the amp I have today".....or, "now I have the right preamp, but unfortunately now wrong amps"
Old story
Its about experience, and its about money too
I'm one of those Surfeit guys then -- and my theory is that the more powerful amplifier sounds better because it has so much more design margin than a less powerful one. It seems to me that people spend a lot more money when the build a powerful amplifier. Not only will the power supply be much larger (more stable voltages, lower noise, high rail voltages which are good for linearity) but many other aspects of the amplifier will likely have benefited from higher quality parts and construction.
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