The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Nice photo :D

Is SemiSouth taking credit for developing a part that Papa had made to his specifications? I mean - I wuz under the impression that his batch of devices were custom made to his spec's - and cost him some serious $$$$ for a special production run. I'd be tempted to charge SS some serious R&D $$$$ - but then you run the chance of piz'n off your only supplier. Hmmmmmmm...... Let's put da lid back on this can of worms 'cause on 2nd thought there are some things better left alone. :rolleyes:

PASS-SIT is different from R085/R100/R063...the latter group being SS originally spec'd designs.
If nothing else, it matters most because it helped to change the way of thinking about some devices. In today's digital world everything is thought of as ON/OFF state. Now Nelson showed to everyone that we should look for analogue nature of the device itself, the linearity, and 'the sweet spot'. I am sure this level of reasoning could be applied to many more things which we are blindly producing and using "as such" while they could be easily made different, if we are to think differently...
Salivation has started...... :D The opportunity/potential is dizzying to ponder....!

Hear Hear

F6 yess preaty please

Is the article ready?

Is the article ready?

Is the article ready?

Just like Donkey on Shreck Movie.

Gready boy maight just be happy with same guide line

Suspect big show at Burning Amp October????

For the luky ones to be there maybe loads of freebeess.
If nothing else, it matters most because it helped to change the way of thinking about some devices. In today's digital world everything is thought of as ON/OFF state. Now Nelson showed to everyone that we should look for analogue nature of the device itself, the linearity, and 'the sweet spot'. I am sure this level of reasoning could be applied to many more things which we are blindly producing and using "as such" while they could be easily made different, if we are to think differently...

The most often used IRF240 etc. etc. were originally developed for the same purposes. Back in the late '70s many of us DIYers were playing with these "new" things in our amps rather than BJTs. We eventually found several that were usefull. Although I worked close to some of the "TMOS" (Motorola) stuff, I was always looking for ways to get a hold of more of the Siliconix devices. Something like the availability of SiC devices today.
There are devices we've been using that were designed with "Linear Mode" operation in mind.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
O Tempora O Mores !

funny - life is full of surprises ......

later this evening CeeVee posted something on Baby DiyA , mentioning something about IZ playin' Somewhere Over The Rainbow ;

that led me to little Googlin and I finally found name of movie I really missed to see in numerous occasion (well - linking Title to few scenes I knew was missing link) - Finding Forester ;
funny pointer is fact that IZ is singing same song on very end of movie in question .

so - here it is Finding Forrester (2000) - IMDb

I had most pleasant evening , watching da movie ;

life is nice , and fun ;

muzak is , well , almost as that C. Eastwood was in charge .

and , yes , 2+ hrs is right measure .


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