The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

While in the garden, I saw a meteor on the east sky, despite slightly cloudy sky and lights of city.
Do not think about something like a phenomenon at Chelyabinsk, was as bright as the Betelgeuse.
It headed towards to the Belt of Orion from North.
It was there really, not something visual snow. :)
Not bad, at all:
I prefer to leave the paprika into the goulash, rather than beer.
(Gulyás, what a coincidence!)
As for the shepherd-reliance, I regard myself as a cat-shepherd.
While we was in the garden yesterday evening, there weren't any unusual on the sky,
Not even an Iridium flare, or anything else.
Just my cat would have liked to wander a bit.
(It isn't unusual.)
But I do not let him chasing the girls.
Dire fate, isn't it?
So when the corner of the garden he climbed the fence, I asked him nicely to come back.
And he jumped down on to my shoulder and sat down, and we are together looked at the stars.
Meanwhile, these verses swirled in my brain:

József Attila:
Lassan, tünődve:

"Az ember végül homokos,
szomorú, vizes síkra ér,
szétnéz merengve és okos
fejével biccent, nem remél.

Én is így próbálok csalás
nélkül szétnézni könnyedén.
Ezüstös fejszesuhanás
játszik a nyárfa levelén.

A semmi ágán ül szivem,
kis teste hangtalan vacog,
köréje gyűlnek szeliden
s nézik, nézik a csillagok."

So, I have listened to this song when we came in:
(Gulyás, what a coincidence!)

Not really.
There was a documentary on tv about how come the goulash concept became so popular all around the globe, while at the same time the roots are two totally opposing dishes in Hungary. The most fascinating part was of/by a history professor from the Budapest university, who explained that it's actually an invented tradition.
Hungary is an interesting nation, sympathetic lot, looks/feels homey.

Maybe you should not search the sky for long forgotten dreams, but observe how much light and life it brings around you, Gyuri
Instead of restraining your cat (incatcerate ?), the two of you could go out chasing girls (if only in spirit)
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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I'm presently owned by two boys and one girlie

one boy is still real one , while other two are sterilized

she came in our house like that , while I arranged for boy to be neutered

last winter I manage (vets, in fact ) to save him no more no less than 5 times of certain death

hopefully , he'll stay at home more now