How to eliminate nasty squeal

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I have a "bring your own device" setup in a school gymnasium. The PA is left on during the day and is used by teachers and students in their gym classes. Some teachers bring in older laptops and connect to the PA using a 1/8" audio cord. When plugging it in, it emits a horrible screech. Is there any way to prevent this without turning the system off?
Ground loop adaptor..

********! This will not help at all, the problem is the 3,5mm plug being shorted at the instant of plugging in.

As has been pointed out by others, a bare minimum of training has to be conducted for all teachers likely to use the system so they know at least how to work channel and master faders, proper connecting procedure etc. Supervision by a trained indiviual is a must if the PA is expected to survive for any extended time period.
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