Mini-Monitors for PC and Mixing

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Joined 2002
Hey, I am new to speaker building. I have never done it before. I can work with wood, and can wire electronics so I thought I'd build my own instead of buying. What I really like to do is listen to music and I do music Production on my macintosh. the difficulty of the project probably isnt an issue. I got tools :)

Full Computer Stereo Audio System:
Budget: $200-250
Size: Each speaker under 12 inches tall, under 8.5 inches wide
2 stereo speakers, and an amp (recommend model to buy or plans)
Goals: Flat Accurate Frequency response, Looks stylish. Decent amp. Best sound for the money. For medium range mixing/ listening. Full Plans, drivers to buy, what amp to get etc, where to get it all. subwoofer optional. that would rock.

I was looking at the Klipsch 2.1s and was wondering if I could make a similiar system for a cheaper cost that sounds alot better, or just make some sweet audio monitors for my music. I just want to be like wow those look awesome and they sound great when I fire them up.

I was looking at B&W speakers, and I really like the way they look! Or maybe an all black low key style. I have no idea what drivers are good or where to get plans, or what I need to make some really decent ones for the money. But really good sounding is the goal. If you could point me in the right direction that would be helpful!

If all of this is not worth the effort, I'll probably just get the Klipsch 2.1s :)
Joined 2001
Paid Member
stealthgear808 said:
I do music Production on my macintosh

You should go talk to PhaseShift on this other thread.

What Mac?

medium range mixing/ listening
Budget: $200-250,
2 stereo speakers 12" tall <8.5" wide

Medium range, small. Any number of 2-way or full-range designs should fill the bill. Do they need to be shielded?

A well-done chip-amp (aka gain clone) can be quite cheap & produce outstanding sound. Check out the Amp Chips DIy Forum for lots of background & discussion... look for Thorsten's Inverted Amp...

You can build up a dead-bug version, or if you don't want to tackle that, there is a QKit that you can build up to their circuit or tweak towards Thorsten's.

Klipsch 2.1s

Got a URL for these?

Disabled Account
Joined 2002
Re: Re: Mini-Monitors for PC and Mixing

planet10 said:

You should go talk to PhaseShift on this other thread.

What Mac?

Medium range, small. Any number of 2-way or full-range designs should fill the bill. Do they need to be shielded?

A well-done chip-amp (aka gain clone) can be quite cheap & produce outstanding sound. Check out the Amp Chips DIy Forum for lots of background & discussion... look for Thorsten's Inverted Amp...

You can build up a dead-bug version, or if you don't want to tackle that, there is a QKit that you can build up to their circuit or tweak towards Thorsten's.

Got a URL for these?


-I am using a B&W G3 Powermac. It dont think the type of computer matters too much.
- I think I would like them to be shielded. can I just put Aluminum foil on the insides? lol

-Klipsch Speakers
I heard they were pretty good.

- Thank you for all those links, I will check them out!!! Thanks for the help.
Klipsch promedia's

When I ordered my computer, I also upgraded my speakers to the Klipsch 5.1's. Keep in mind that I am no audiophile, and probably one of the least qualified people here to critique speakers :D but in my listening to these speakers I must say that I am very pleased with them. Im sure there are things wrong with them, but since i have never listened to any *real* high end equipment, i have nothing to compare them too. I still am comfortable saying that I really do like these speakers, and I doubt you would be dissapointed with them. HTH.

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