Tutoring needed, been out of the game for too long>>??

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Hi all, can anyone or more help a willing student out.....

Basicly, I have a design with chosen drivers. My issue is with inferior knowledge in sizing the speaker cabinets for final construction.

I dont want to be just told the answers, I want to work out and understand them for myself.

Later I will add pics and details of design and drivers and welcome any input or critic whether negative or positive....

yours hopeful,

These forums are a good place to get some help. Just post your plans, drivers and questions :) If you have already the drivers and are wondering on the cabinets or crossovers, simulation programs like WinISD (for enclosure) or VituixCAD (for crossovers) are a good place to start working on your design. Both are freeware and quite simple to use.
I understand the need to understand it yourself, but you may also find some modelling tools helpful to connect the dots between choices and results.

I use WinISD (the old version) for cabinets and The Edge for baffle step correction. I know this makes me weird. :) Most people use Jeff Bagby's Blender, but The Edge may help you get a more visceral feel for choices and outcomes.

Best of luck,

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