German > Eng translator please

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Joined 2011
Paid Member
I browsed thru the first ten screens of your posting history and didn't seem to find any threads where you were the expert helper who answered somebody's "Please Help Me!!" request. What did I miss? Where were you the hero? I'm sure this is just a case of me being daft / blind / stupid.
Yes I understand. Most of it isn't relevant anyway.
Axel Hucht on that thread is knowledgeable about the problem with the machine at hand. I would contact him but it appears he is sadly no longer with us (not since 2012). This date complies with his last activity on that forum as well.

Axels solution is schematics and a circuit. Part of it corrects PCM subcode, (anticopy measures thus enabling digital recording). Posts #14 through 17 discuss this. Its not the primary topic and can be ignored.
Another portion of the circuit addresses enabling the machine to monitor analogue input for longer that the factory default 10minutes (problem described in #1). Relevant posts are #18 onwards, there user termman suggests he has been in record for 50m. Its not clear how he did it.
Post #18 (thinned down).
Ich nutze (wenn möglich) meine Fingerspitzen (klingt komisch, ist aber so
), um eine eingelegte Kassette zu simulieren und die LW-Funktionen bisschen durchzuprobieren.

Dabei habe ich eher zufällig erstens festgestellt, dass trotz "Kein-Band-am-Kopf-und-Auf-/Abwickel-stehen" Aufnahme und AD-Wandlung aktiviert werden können und zweitens auch nach Loslassen der Erkennungspimpel keine Fehlermeldung kommt und die "Aufnahme" weiterläuft.
Pause ist dabei nicht gedrückt, es leuchtet nur "REC". Kopftrommel rotiert, aber die Andruckrolle ist nicht in Aktiv-Position.
"Wandlung" ist mittlerweile seit 50 Minuten aktiv.

Edit (ich lass trotzdem den Text unterm Strich unverändert stehn)

Ich hab grad nochmal von Anfang an komplett durchgelesen und festgestellt, dass meine "Erkenntnis" noch kein Beweis ist.

Jetzt lass ich ihn erstmal ohne Signal in Bereitschaft (vorher hatte ich Signal am Eingang) - mittlerweile gesamt bisschen über ne Stunde in "Wandlung", mit ohne Signal 15 Minuten.
Mal sehn, ob er die Wandlung ohne Signal demnächst abschaltet.
Mit laufender Kassette (egal, ob normale oder "Dummy") kann ich leider noch nicht probieren, da das Laufwerk nicht ok ist.
Eventually, termman posts "2.5hours" in #24, before he " manually stopped it".
Post #24
So, also zumindestens dieses Exemplar ist ein Dauerwandler (2,5 Stunden ohne Signal durchgelaufen, dann hab ich abgebrochen), jedenfalls solange ich ihm zum Starten des Wandelns eine Kassette vorgaukle und danach die Finger von den Fühlern nehme.
Dann bleibt nämlich auch der manuelle Stop-Versuch (Stop-Taste drücken) wirkungslos, bis ich wieder die Fühler drücke oder das Gerät aus- und wieder einschalte.
In #29 Axel links to another thread, that shows his circuit. Luckily in this thread, termman hints that he owns a PRODAT 1. This is a modified version of the machine in question and is known to run for longer that 10minutes... In light of this I doubt those posts above hold any description of value. I would have to acquire a PRODAT 1 to open it up and investigate. :trapper:

Anyone with this machine would equally appreciate information about the method... They are fairly common on auction sites.
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#18 (slightly edited)

I use (if possible) my fingertips (sounds funny, but is so - click the image to open in full size) to simulate an inserted cassette and try the drives (ed.) functions bit by bit.

In the first place, I noticed that recording and AD conversion can be activated despite "no-tape-on-head / wind/unwind" and secondly there is no error message after releasing the detection sensors and the "recording " continues.

Pause is not pressed, only "REC" is lit. Head drum rotates, but the pinch roller is not in active position.
"Conversion" has been active for 50 minutes.

Edit (I still leave the text under the line unchanged)

I have just read this thread again completely from the beginning and found that my "knowledge" is still no proof.

Now I leave it (the device, ed.) without signal in standby (before I had some signal at the entrance) - meanwhile a bit over an hour in "conversion", with no signal for 15 minutes.

Let's see if it switches off the conversion without signal soon.
With running cassette (no matter whether normal or "dummy") I can unfortunately not yet try, since the drive is not ok.

So, at least this drive is a permanent converter (2.5 hours without signal, then I have cancelled), as long as I tells it "there is a casette present" to start conversion and then take my fingers off the sensors.
The attempt to stop manually (press stop key) remains ineffective until I press the sensor again or switch the drive off and on again.
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