Thoughts about retirement...

Don't wait for financial security, live the precious seconds every single day.
We have 86,400 seconds to live a day; they are much more important than $86,400 deposited in your bank account every day.

If you have to spend one or the other or both, and every day, the total, 86,400; which do you rather spend?
Forget the money; making it and spending it...make sense of your life, live it, spend every second fully with all your heart & soul.

For example; take here right now...the fact that we are sharing between all of us is already a good start.
I'm @ home right now, next door to paradise alley, right across heavens mansion, where all the outdoors greeneries look like the Ireland coast.

If I would tell you about all my friends here, you would be so jealous that you would probably kill me (a cyberspace kill). :D

Retirement is enjoyment, and money has not to be necessarily part of it. ...It can for some, and it don't truly matter @ all for others...
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