O2 Headphone amp gerber files problem

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I'm planning on building a few O2 headphone amps (NwAvGuy: O2 Headphone Amp) and I downloaded the gerber files from nwavguy's page.

When I try to view them in my gerber viewer, the board appears all jumbled: The width appears to be correct, but the height is only about 1/6th of the real size with all components squeezed together.

When I produce gerber files from my own designs, they always show up correctly in the gerber viewer.

Are there any special parameters I need to set or inform to my PCB manufacturer? Or perhaps these gerber files are in a special format?

(PS: I use MCN Gerver Viewer: Sharewares)
Just try another software. There are some online free ones yo do not even have to download or install. If it seems okay in another app, make an image of that and send it beside the gerber files to the manufacturer for master proof.
I do this after one time the manufacturer informed me they changed my files because a via was in wrong place. I did not let them modify, and it took a few e-mail to proof my files are good but their software rendered it wrong.
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