We've Lost a Pioneer: Terry Cain

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no,it won't be a comfort for Leslie- nothing can be much help in a moment like this. But I have been at funerals where only the widow and I stood at the grave; when in one day yet to come, she remembers how many people, from so many countries, shared her grief, maybe it will help her wounds to scab over.


You're right, it's a reality. I do empathize, I myself am ailing for some years, although not really fatal it can be 'paralyzing'... Terry's passion for his craft and the beauty of his work has inspired many to say the least. He would surely be missed.

if you are ailing, too (and so I am) you'll envy Terry. His passion for his work and his love for good machinery (he once bought an Italian machine just because he loved the sound) will have kept him strong when others would already have sat in a wheelchair. Man, when we go let's go like him, like a good soldier - true to the last, a quick bullet, and when you're dead the whole company can only shout "close ranks, boys".

Terry Cain.

For the past three years, as a music major at Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, Terry Cain has been an immense source of inspiration and friendship to me. I have always been an obsessive builder, music lover, to the fault of my grades throughout my entire schoolastic experience. I dreamed for many years of working ALONG SIDE him, after graduation. In many ways though, he has given me a profound mission in life: to carry one what I learned from him. Of course, I will never feel like I learned enough. people like this cannot be overstated for their intentional and unintentional effect on others. Their generous demeanor means that they do not cast a shadow from their passing, rather they leave a rich legacy. I always felt an immense connection to him as a mentor, and a boss, and there are ALOT of other people he touched. Jason Flannary, his other apprentice, will carry on the company. Various people mentioned in the forum have been given purpose and energy in life through even the briefest of interactions with him. Terry had a "buddha" energy in the way he interacted with people. A loving, caring, and feeling man, a master of his tools of male exstacy. able to convey the subtlest of idea with the slightest of gesture, even towards the end of his life.

He will be missed, but not forgotten.

Clark Blumenstein.
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