Windows 10 upgrade question

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You may want to download and install the free app "O+O Shutup10". That is a small app which allows you to disable most of the Windows "snooping" and other features that folks have complained about.
You are given a checklist of which things you want to enable and disable, with warnings about possible risks/side-effects. I used it in my recent Win10 installs and it was very helpful.
BTW, for anyone who is disabled and requires accessibility features in Windows, the accessibility version of Windows 10 is free to anyone with a legit Windows 7 or Windows 8 license. The install works without checking to see if you are even currently using accessibility features. It's basically exactly the same thing as normal Windows.

Yes, and many of them are illegitimate. They may/will work for a while, but you have no guarantee. So technically, that is pirating, even though the buyer may not have intended it that way. Microsoft is aware of this. I know cause I used to be an IT tech. for almost a decade.
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