Electronotes By Bernie Hutchins

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Bernie Hutchins is a guru of electronic music synthesis, and teaches analog and digital signal processing. He co-advised with another professor for my Masters thesis. He is noted as being brilliant at explaining highly complex topics and has been publishing "Electronotes" - "Newsletter of the Musical Engineering Group" for decades. He has made several tutorial issues available here as .pdf downloads, note that these are not just about electronic music; he covers complex subjects such as the basics of digital sampled systems:

Thought it might spark some interesting discussion here, or simply help others mod/design equipment.

Pete B.
Hi All, I have a copy of Bernie Hutchins' Musical Engineers Handbook and a bunch of Electronotes, and looking at options for passing these on if I decide not to ship them with me. Anyone interested?
Hi rtdrury. I have only just discovered your post and excuse me if this is way too late to inquire. Would you happen to have the Electronotes and Handbook still available ?
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