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what was the meaning of that in 3 position swith?


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and for better circuit understanding.

Jednostavan generator funkcija koji sam uradio pre dosta godina, bio je prvenstveno razvijen za tehnicke laboratorije u koledzima i tehnickim skolama ali i za brzo svakodnevno testiranje u audio servisima. Kasnije je ovaj dizajn bio prihvacen i od strane jedne firme za popularnu elektroniku koja ga je prodavala u kitu i to dosta uspesno.
Ovaj uredjaj ne spada u vrhunsku klasu a sigurno ne u laboratoriske instrumente za vrhunska merenja, ali cete sa njim sasvim lepo moci da uradite jako mnogo testova sasvim dovoljne preciznosti za prosecnog samograditelja. Buduci da je u pitanju generator funkcija, to znaci da ce vam generisati ne samo sinusoidalni signal, vec i "trougao" i "cetvrtku" iste frekvence i amplitude, uz mogucnost da izlazni signal modulisete i frekventno i amplitudno. Uredjaj generise signal u opsegu od 10Hz do 100KHz podeljeno u cetiri opsega. Izoblicenja ne prelaze 0.3% ako su korisceni kvalitetni i precizni delovi, i to smatram za svakodnevne potrebe sasvim prihvatljivo. Tek kad zavrsite i lepo podesite neki visokokvalitetan audio uredjaj, dolazite do momenta kada vam treba signal generator "na kruzice" (citaj: izoblicenja sa sto vise nula= "kruzica" posle tacke 0,0000...... %).
Kao i za ostale projekte na ovom sajtu, necete naci nikakvo teoretisanje po pitanju funkcionisanja ovog sklopa. Sve sto vam je za izradu potrebno se nalazi na kraju ovog teksta pod linkovima, a jedino cete morati da kupite nesto malo komponenata i to je sve. Tajmer 555 je CMOS tipa i tako treba i da ostane. Drzite se sto vise mozete, specifikacije materijala sa seme da nebi bilo razocarenja.
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gave me this:

"A simple function generator, which I did many years ago, was primarily developed for technical laboratories in colleges and technical schools as well as for quick testing on a daily basis in the audio services. Later this design was accepted by the one firm for popular electronics, which it is sold in kit and quite successfully.
This device belongs to a superior class and certainly not in the laboratory measurement instruments for high quality, but you will with it quite nice to be able to do quite a lot of tests sensitive enough to your average DIY. Given that this is a function generator, it means that you will not only generate a sinusoidal signal, but also the "triangle" and "Thursday" the same frequency and amplitude, with the possibility that the output signal modulates the frequency and amplitude. The device generates a signal in the range of 10Hz to 100KHz is divided into four bands. Distortion does not exceed 0.3% if you are using both quality and precision parts, and to consider the daily needs perfectly acceptable. Only when you are done nice and set some high quality audio player, come to the moment when you need a signal generator, "the circle" (read: distortion with as many zeros = "circle" after the point ...... 0.0000%).
As for other projects on this site, you will not find any theorizing about the functioning of this circuit. Everything you need to create at the end of this text under the link, and the only thing you have to buy something a bit components and that's all. Timer 555 is a CMOS type, and so will be to stay. Keep up as much as possible, material specifications with the seeds that would not be a disappointment."
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