Out-stage for Sony CD players.

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Outpicking VC24+

I have read Christer's outpicking thread of the VC24+ and Mr. Perez's circuit modifications with great interest. But is there a discrepancy between the two? The outpicking diagram (which illustrates the junction between the DAC and the Current Pulse IC's) shows two tied in pairs.

The first pair: Pin 28 and Pin 25 off the Pulse chip input are tied after the resistors.
The 2nd pair: Pin 27 and Pin 24 are tied after the resistors.

This corresponds to tieing R2(-) and R1(+) together, and R2(+) and R1(-) as another pair.

This illustration (http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=255161) differs from the assignment of inputs in Richard's schematics where it is indicated that R1(-) and R1(+) are tied through resistors, and R2(-) and R2(+) are also tied; making the second half of the input.

My question is, which version is correct? Using the Sony service manual, this indicates, for example R1(-) and R1(+) are on pins 24 and 25 of the Current Pulse input.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!



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As most of you seem quite experienced with sony xb 940, I would appreciate very much if you could advise on the following noise problem:

After some mods (LC XO Clock, Black gates on the audio board, 2 silver caps at the output and some power supply and ground micro-changes such as grounded copper plates for better separation, etc.) the CDP now operates normally but with very loud high-frequency noice like emergency train brakes or rather a hysterical scream, I guess at about 5-6 kHz.... It seems to me this is a digital noice, although I did not touch the digital board. The noice starts a second after I press play and is much louder (unbearable) than the music, which seems to sound OK.

Please note that earlier test with the clock only (w/o the rest of mods and the clock's own power supply, added later) was ok. I changed the chips, no diffrence, so it is not them.

Another Q: Is it really a good idea to do the LC ZapFilter mod (also hoping it may cure this crazy oscillation???)

Tips will be highly appreciated!
Sony SCD-1 or 777ES S-TACT Bypass is Noisy?

Has anyone noticed when they bypass the Sony SCD-1 or 777ES S-TACT that it is noisy?

Have you noticed a low level noise during quiet moments of a recording? It sounds like digital hash and a bit like birds chirping. It is quite intrusive with low level recordings or recordings with a lot of quiet like classical. Possibly some IM artifact? Whatever the S-TACT does, it appears to be removing this noise, since I do not hear it out of the stock outputs.

If you have heard this when bypassing the S-TACT, did you find a solution and what was it?

I have found that one channel is slightly noiser than the other which is helping me to pinpoint. I reversed the inputs to the VSE and the noisier channel followed the reversed input, so it is not the VSE causing the problem.

I have connected the outputs of the player directly to headphones and I still hear it, so I don't suspect IM distortion in the downstream components.

I had read somewhere that the VC-24 can get a little noisy when overloaded. Perhaps this is the issue since it is feeding into both my VSE as well as the S-TACT. I may remove the 4 331ohm pads to remove the S-TACT load and see if this solves the problem. Can I do this without impacting the operation of the player, other than disabling the stock outputs for DSD of course?

Do you think this will solve the problem, or will this problem only be solved by the S-TACT?

Resume of Sony CDP players mod's “dead” thread.

Dead thread.

I am working around the output stage of a Sony CDP player XB940 SACD, the XA50/30/20 and XB940/920/720 are similar (VC24+ CXD2562Q or CXD8735N - DAC chip’s).

My first “evaluation designs :


The DAC output offset between +out and –out, is not 0V but a few mV, and moreover, change according to the playing mode CD (pcm) or SACD (bit stream).
So in this second schematic I implemented a dc-servo.


Extremely satisfied by these firsts improvements, I went further and carried out a very simple circuit based on fet followers.

Fet evaluation schematic.

The sound was astonishing real, natural, when you reach this degree of transparency, sometimes in some cd’s you wonder whether certain noises come from ! Your room ? Are they recorded ? Until you listen the track once more…

Following these encouraging results I refined the design to make it reliable in the player, now it includes a dc-servo. and a transformer.

Fet with dc-servo.

Fet final schematic.

Fet final schematic xfr-less.

The version I prefer, is the fet one with servo and transformer, the op amp version is not very far in terms of "very very good reproduction", but the last fet version with transformer is simply real, well... much more real.
Actually I use the transformer, to unbalance the output (my crossover input is unbalanced). I tested the schematic below, with just one "leg" the +output, and I increase R101/110 to about 390 Ohms to get 0V dc in the output. It's just a very little better than the transfo version, but unfortunately a little bit noisy, well i can hear it with my ears near the horn of my TAD's (of course, noise is cancelled in the balanced mode).

Noise in my 20 kHz FFT is at -114 dB in CD mode and balanced, about -130 dB in SACD mode.

I am trying too, a discrete differential input, differential/single ended output, to solve the noise and in a lesser way the filtering (in the single ended mode), as well as to get rid of the transformer. But it is for in a few weeks, for now I will continue to improve and complete this fet design, and use it later as reference.

would anyone be nice to repost lost schematics

The Perez buffer at 9mA bias, with a different filter (3rd order 100kHz passive). Dual mono, separate PSU's (current sourced discrete shunt regulators, +/- 15V). Balanced output.


would you give us a little more Info on your implementation of dc servo buffer http://web.archive.org/web/20070219232819/http://perez.r.free.fr/XB_out_fet_dc_0v.JPG
can you explain benefits of this complicated circuit compared to http://web.archive.org/web/20070219232458/http://perez.r.free.fr/XB_out_fet1.JPG and http://web.archive.org/web/20070219232744/http://perez.r.free.fr/XB_out_fet_dc.JPG

also what are your passive filter values

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