SPDIF Pass through?

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I have a Monica tube dac (16 bit, up to 192 according to philips spec sheet) and also an HT receiver that is 24/192 capable. I'd like to be able to daisy chain the SPDIF to the two of them from the same transport. I was going to install an out jack on the Monica and run a digital cable from the Monica to the receiver.

The reason for wanting this is the Monica sounds great with CD, much better than the DAC in the receiver or the built in DAC in the player, but the receiver can do full 24/96 and sounds spectacular with 24/96 music recorded from LP to DVD on my Mac. I've played the DVDs through the Monica and it works but doesn't sound good at all, almost like the timing is off.

Is it as easy as just passing the signal through, or do I need something to keep the signal clean?
Maybe, but the mod is never just about the part. There's the jack, the wire, and the time I'd spend figuring it out since I've never done anything digital. And then there's that special tool that you undoubtedly need to finish...;) I think I need an excuse to get a new Oppo anyway.
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