I need a super bass tone control

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We might need a little bit more information up front otherwise you might get what you asked for but not what you want.

External standalone?

Internal to an amp?

Battery powered?

Single or split supply?

Source drive?

Load impedance?

How many dB at what frequency?

Voltage swing?

What do you mean by super bass or is it a bass tone control that is super?

Help us help you.
If you're in Jakarta (or Surabaya), there are many on the market. There is one tone control consisting of 2x dual opamp. There is no "bass boost" function/button but the bass performance is preferred by many. The module is called "mega/giga bass tone control, GME-something. Functionality is standard (bass, midrange, treble, volume, loudness).

There is another bass boost module consisting of 1x quad preamp (stereo) that you can use to complement your preamp/tone-control.

The simplest bass boost is the "loudness" where you can adjust with choosing the right resistance/capacitance attached to a volume control pot.

Question is, why do you need it. In high end, even tone control with bass control is rarely been used. So I assume that tone control is still acceptable. But bass boost??

Better is some kind of parametric tone control. What you need is 2 pots. One pot is to find the right frequency related to your speaker/room (because every system has different bass roll-off frequency). Another pot to boost it. If the location of the boost is on the right frequency then you will get a good performance. Find this kind of circuit.

If you're in Jakarta (or Surabaya), there are many on the market. There is one tone control consisting of 2x dual opamp. There is no "bass boost" function/button but the bass performance is preferred by many. The module is called "mega/giga bass tone control, GME-something. Functionality is standard (bass, midrange, treble, volume, loudness).

There is another bass boost module consisting of 1x quad preamp (stereo) that you can use to complement your preamp/tone-control.

The simplest bass boost is the "loudness" where you can adjust with choosing the right resistance/capacitance attached to a volume control pot.

Question is, why do you need it. In high end, even tone control with bass control is rarely been used. So I assume that tone control is still acceptable. But bass boost??

Better is some kind of parametric tone control. What you need is 2 pots. One pot is to find the right frequency related to your speaker/room (because every system has different bass roll-off frequency). Another pot to boost it. If the location of the boost is on the right frequency then you will get a good performance. Find this kind of circuit.

mohon maaf sya tidak bisa berbahasa inggris....
maksud saya itu sya ngin membuat satu tone kontrol yang memiliki nada yang nyaring disertai bass sebenarnya dulu saya perna pesan amplifier kepda sesorang dengan kualias yang menrut saya bagus tpi sekarang ampli tersebut sudah mati pada bagian tone control tersebut terdapat 2 ic tpi sayangnya ic tersebut telah dihabus serinya maka dari itu saya ingi mencari ic apa sih yang di pakai orang tersebut untuk membuat kontrol
icnya 16kaki

:cop:moderation message
friend, I cannot approve your posts when its impossible for me to understand one word of what you are saying
sorry, but your future posts have to be in english
regards, tinitus
mohon maaf sya tidak bisa berbahasa inggris....
maksud saya itu sya ngin membuat satu tone kontrol yang memiliki nada yang nyaring disertai bass sebenarnya dulu saya perna pesan amplifier kepda sesorang dengan kualias yang menrut saya bagus tpi sekarang ampli tersebut sudah mati pada bagian tone control tersebut terdapat 2 ic tpi sayangnya ic tersebut telah dihabus serinya maka dari itu saya ingi mencari ic apa sih yang di pakai orang tersebut untuk membuat kontrol
icnya 16kaki

sya sorry not speak english ....
I mean it sya cold makes one tone control that has a loud tone with my first real bass amplifier message kepda breathing kualias someone with a good menrut tpi now my amp is dead on the tone control is there are 2 ic ic tpi unfortunately has dihabus series and therefore I want to search for ic what the heck they use that person to make the control
icnya 16kaki

mohon maaf sya tidak bisa berbahasa inggris....

Tone control with 16-pin IC?? I believe it was 14-pin? There are 16-pin opamps but in smaller package (SMD part; SOIC) and are usually expensive.

May be it was TL074 (quad JFET opamp). But imo 4x opamp per channel is too much. 3x opamps probably used as a tone control as in Hi-Fi Preamplifier and the last opamp is used for amplifier input stage.

The output stage is usually a quite unstable CFP topology, and you cannot just swap opamp here (or change supply rail). Most probably it uses a slow opamp like KIA324 to be stable. I can understand if the amp is dead :D


16-pin atau 14-pin?

Mungkin IC itu TL074. Tapi menurut saya 4x opamp per channel itu terlalu banyak. Mungkin 3x opamp dipakai untuk tone control seperti pada Hi-Fi Preamplifier dan opamp terakhir sebagai input dari amplifier.

Biasanya ampli ini tidak stabil, dan opamp (juga tegangan power supply) tidak boleh diganti kecuali yang pas untuk itu. Kemungkinan yang dipakai adalah IC lambat seperti KIA324 agar stabil. Ampli seperti ini emang gampang mati karena osilasi.
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