The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

In all honesty? When playing in stereo, I can't say I notice a huge difference. But.... the DSP used was adjusted for the TC9, not the 10F.
In mono, played on both speakers the sounds come from in front of you, no strange sounds that point at a single speaker itself, so
the balance over most of it's range is pretty equal (or equal enough for that).
Playing stereo, some vocals seem to be positioned slightly off center on some songs, meaning the balance may not be exactly the same as before.
I may be hoping or imagining things, but it seems the right (10F) speaker has ever so slightly better details. It should not be judged without
any revisit of the DSP settings though. This isn't a fair comparison.
I'm betting on the quality of the 10F and hoping for more ;). Meaning: I expect them to be less susceptible to corrosion due to upgraded materials.
All other bets are still on the table. They certainly aren't worse in sound, so that is a very good start. It was a joy to hear a couple of familiar
songs again although I know I can get it to sound even better. My girlfriend figured I do not need the Goldmund amp, the Fetzilla played
wonderful according to her, so why do I need anything else... :D
Me, I do miss my ambience channels, more specific the envelopment it brings so I definitely need my amp back!
My Son came downstairs with a big grin on his face and started suggesting I play certain Pink Floyd tracks... I guess we've all missed the speakers.
Maybe a movie tonight and then get the other array into the garage tomorrow.
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I had plans getting the left array out into the garage but I couldn't stop playing music... ah well... there's always tomorrow...

At least I'm reminded of why I like this hobby so much...

(I have to drag it to the garage though, bottom group of the left array isn't doing a thing anymore...)

25x TC9 FR Shaded 19.0 as build-notches-ABEC-minphase-20dB Six-pack.png

Still listenable, slightly worse balance...
That would certainly be interesting, but sadly the bottom 5 drivers in the left (TC9 equipped) array are not working right now. So it wouldn't be a fair comparison.
I'm not repairing that array for testing alone. The right array had the 5 unfiltered drivers not working, which was way more obvious to notice and reason to do that one first.
I believe that the bottom 5 drivers of the left array failed on me quite recently as I did have an impedance check of that side where they were still functioning just a few days
ago. That's the sad state of those drivers, they can fail on me at any point in time.

So I'm going to continue with replacing all TC9's without a proper comparison I'm afraid. Sad but true.
You don't discard them right away Ronald?
Because if you still have some of them working and a spare of new then a comparison in a 'Xrk style' box is still possible.
It would have been fun to compare an array of TC9's vs an array of 10F's. I guess that might shed light on what I've said in the past.
You get the driver you use in an array back on steroids... I suppose they are quite close as those tests from XRK demonstrated at the time
but when correctly EQ-ed I'm pretty sure some differences might become more apparent. But they should als be placed in exactly the same
spot to make it a fair comparison. All in all it's just way more work than I'm willing to do, having to repair an array first. That's no fun with
butyl rope between the aluminium baffles. The butyl most certainly serves a purpose there, but it isn't a fun job opening up the array.
It reminded me of this scene:
Eddie Brock Becomes Venom (Scene) - Spider-Man 3 (2007) Movie CLIP HD -  YouTube
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A sad day.
One of my favorite composer died.
We can never have new music from him, but rejoice in what he already made and gave us.
I'm eclectic like that in my music, but Friends of Mr. Cairo will always bring me to tears.

That is sad news! I love that album, as well as his work in Aphrodite's Child....
One of the true legends...
It's a wonderful material, it always stays flexible and sticks to just about anything. But it isn't that easy to pry loose. Actually, I like it very much for what it does/can do.
Usually sealing up the baffle means you won't have to do it again for a long time to come. This time it feels like yesterday that I stuck it on there.

Butyl also is widely used as the stick on damping materials (with alu foil top for instant CLD damping) for car stereo to stick on (the metal) doors etc.
I buy it as butyl rope off of Amazon. It's used as gasket material and even to glue windshields (with slightly different properties).


The modified first board of left array vs right array. Well within acceptable tolerances I'd say.
Recap: 3 of the 6 boards get a small update for the 10F drivers. Basically it makes the array's top end a little better and it would have worked for the TC9 array too.
4 Boards are used as low pass boards, 2 boards are single driver notch filters. The modifications shave a little energy off of the top of 3 of those low-pass
filters. A couple of tiny tweaks while I have everything open.

lowpass and bypass filters.jpg

(the filters used in a single array, the top right 3 filters get a few more capacitors on board, those little black buggers of 10 nF each)
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