Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi, moOde 6.6.0 is available for download :) This release includes many new features, updates and bug fixes with particular emphasis on the Library. Visit the Forum for more information. moOde 6.6.0 is available


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moOde 6.7.0 is available :) This release includes important updates and bug fixes including support for the new, more flexible ALSA card numbering scheme that is part of new RaspiOS / Linux kernel 5.4.y. Also included is a bump to Linux kernel 5.4.51 which contains a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Visit the Forum for more information. moOde 6.7.0 is available



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Hi, moOde 6.7.1 is available :) This release includes important updates and bug fixes including a bump to librespot v0.1.2 with gapless support. Visit the Forum for more information. moOde 6.7.1 is available

Hey thanks.
Could you provide a backup method for settings and music db?
A simple script saving files (music db, setting parameters, ...) on usb flash and reinstalling them when the backup usb flash is detected at startup
or when a service button on web interface is pushed?
I do not want to return to code :)
Maybe not so simple.

What happens when settings and their underlying system configs, resources and logic for updating them changes?

The backup files change, yes. But rarely i think all backup files will be obsolete and to be replaced. More of the times a file with config parameters is read, old params copied, new params not present in old backup are not modified, set to default... music db must be updated only if necessary.... but..... anyway the backup files are simply controlled on usb flash. If a major version of mpd comes with updates i can delete music db from usb and let the prog rescan the library, if config sections change i can edit the saved parameters file with new param=value entries.....
A reserved sd partition for backup files could be used and no external usb flash needed. Onto it a backup directory with files to be copied, the music db and a txt file with various sections and param=value records.
Started by initd a script that checks the bck partition, reads the values and set the system, copies files and restart the device.
To quickly:
program sd card, edit backup files (only if needed), plug sd (+ usb flash), start device, auto reboot, listen to music.

The settings, underlying system resources and the logic for updating settings often changes from one moOde release to another. You would have no way of knowing this because you don't develop the complex in-place update scripts that perform settings migration.

The backup/restore settings request has come up several times in our Forum and so far no developer has accepted my challenge of volunteering their time to develop and maintain such a system.
I've been using Moode 6.7 in Raspberry 4B for a week, as streamer and audio library with a 4tb disk, what to say? Has been a great experience, I forgot my MacBook Air with Audirvana, I still have it connected just for backup, but It seams than soon I'll need to find another use for him. Tim and Moode Team, you have made a great job.
I am looking to come across from Volumio as I've been getting intermittent alsa errors which require a system reboot to fix. These seem to be well documented but I have not found a fix. I am using a Khadas Tone Board coonected via USB to RPI 3 a+.

Does Moode support hardware volume control with this DAC? Volumio does which was one of the attracting features but can't help but wonder if it is causing my problems. also volume has to be at 100% for DSD to work.

What size SD card do I need for Moode? I can't see this stated on the website or in the setup instruction and the iso file is 1.4Gb but zipped.
Yes hardware volume is supported with the KTB, though I don't actually use it, but the option is there in the MPD config.

Yes, volume will need to be at 100% for DSD to work.

Moode has always been under 4GB in size, however no telling if the upcoming Moode 7 series (or any other update) will eventually exceed that size, but 6.7.1 is 3.4GB in size.

It's sort of moot anyway in that you will want a more modern fast card, those aren't even sold in 4GB size and even 8GB seems to be going the way of the dodo bird, but you can still find fast modern 8GB cards if you look. A fast modern 16GB card can actually be less expensive, at least in the U.S. anyway.
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