Funniest snake oil theories

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And, they're off!
Good grief. :eek:

Maybe "Scoundrels & Scalawags" ( Scoundrels & Scalawags: 51 Stories of the Most Fascinating Characters of Hoax and Fraud by Reader's Digest Association ) should be required reading in middle school? Perhaps it would provide people with at least some tiny little bit of protection against the endless stream of cons they're going to encounter as adults.

I must run. Apparently there is an "action against my social security number for fraudulent activity", so I have to go call an unknown phone number and give a total stranger all my personal identification information now.

Good grief. :eek:

Maybe "Scoundrels & Scalawags" ( Scoundrels & Scalawags: 51 Stories of the Most Fascinating Characters of Hoax and Fraud by Reader's Digest Association ) should be required reading in middle school? Perhaps it would provide people with at least some tiny little bit of protection against the endless stream of cons they're going to encounter as adults.

I must run. Apparently there is an "action against my social security number for fraudulent activity", so I have to go call an unknown phone number and give a total stranger all my personal identification information now.


We Borg have an old saying.
Resistance is futile.


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I always wanted a Dual turntable when I was a kid, don't know why, I knew they were good, there was something about the way they looked. However I bought into the CD culture in 1985, a Memorex something or other for £250! A lot of money. Re the incredible amounts of money some people sink into their turntable, doesn't seem at all reasonable when you consider the intrinsic limitations of the media. A while ago I overheard a lady on the train, explaining to her granddaughter that grandpa had just bought a bamboo plinthe for his Linn Sondek, cost £1000 she said, and improved the sound, she was convinced as well, talk about faithful!

They actually cost an eye watering £1950, thats beyond insane :confused:
Buying and Fitting | Booplinth

I have a good friend who by coincidence is one of the UK best cabinet maker/antique furniture restorers and we discussed getting a few of these
and making an LP12 plinth. LAMPLIG Chopping board - bamboo - IKEA. He says I need two so thats £25 and he reckons he could make the plinth in 4 to 5 hours, his rate is roughly £40 an hour. So for between £185 to £225 I can have a brand new bamboo LP12 plinth and even at that price I am not in the least tempted :)
Oh, good god...

"...The QPOINT Resonance Synchronizer addresses this problem by emitting a subtle field which manipulates all electromechanical resonances within its immediate proximity so that they vibrate in unison with each other..."

That site gives bacon a bad name. :mad:

I'm assuming Q is for quantum?
How come none of these outfits walk the Planck?
Maybe a warp mini field, to shorten signal paths...
You can laugh all you like but the change in bass is real, and I find while impressive sounding at first is false and 'wrong' bass on extended listening....the Geoclense also causes noise in the mids/highs.....the manufacturer does not make claims of sound system changes and is likely unaware of this. He offers a remote dowsing service and picked a strong fault line E-W across the property and through the house, I knew about this geopathic line already and there is also a strong N-S energetic line that he did not mention however. These two lines intersect in the house and interestingly the two household dogs will not walk over this geopathic intersection point. This is nothing mystical, it's knowledge going back to the ancients who marked such intersections with stone circles or other markers, the Catholic church also commandeered such high energy places and built Cathedrals capitalising on these 'healing' places. I have encountered rooms where the speakers would not 'balance' and upon further investigation found the speakers to be in very different 'earth energies' places and relocating speakers in the room was the cure. I have similarly also encountered rooms where the system did not sound 'right', and moving the equipment rack effected a cure or 'tone control' of sorts. Electrical energy supplies are prone to 'picking up' earth energy modulations which can affect/effect system sound.....this is where power conditioners and final AC power cables and other devices like Bybee BQP can have beneficial effect. Placing a Ferrite clamp filter around house MEN earth rod connection wire can have quite strong effect, so can location of house supply earthing rod.

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The direction is printed on the cables in the production, so that this direction is not confused when cutting. In fact, I will tell you a secret right now. The cables take direction the first time they are turned on, and then that direction will easily change if they are turned in the opposite direction. But it takes at least 30 hours. And this is the most beautiful theory of snake oil, which really works if your audio equipment and, most importantly, your ears are of high quality.


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It's good to see society "waking up" to this marketing of worthless goofy products.
Of course, it goes way, way beyond just audio "enhancement" products.
It encompasses and targets everything that a gullible, uneducated, devoid of common sense individual might fear or question in life.
Mind control/brainwashing is a powerful thing, with some believing they can actually hear or sense the "improvements" by using these hyped products.

However, it also benefits more than just the so-called marketers, manufacturers, and paid-off compensated reviewers (some of which are widely respected in their industry), for those are just the "middlemen" in the game.
Consider for a moment the occasionally discussed "dumbing down" of society.

It (the products) funnels money from suckers towards the "evil" side of the world, the hidden masterminds that no one really knows for sure, the ones focused on controlling, and keeping control, of the world.

I thank the fact that I'm old enough, educated enough, and basically immune to all the hyped crap out there, which seems to grow larger by the day, when yet something else is "invented" to keep the "cash flow" going for these evil lords.
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