Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I am new to this forum although I am using a RPi HFB DAC since 2014 with openelec. I have upgraded to RPi 3 + BOSS DAC recently. I wanted to try Moode but making own image file from resources available does not seem to cup of tea. May i know whether the upcoming RC1 version will be released in .Img format.
I am new to this forum although I am using a RPi HFB DAC since 2014 with openelec. I have upgraded to RPi 3 + BOSS DAC recently. I wanted to try Moode but making own image file from resources available does not seem to cup of tea. May i know whether the upcoming RC1 version will be released in .Img format.
No img file will be distributed because of GPL. You have to build it yourself.
No img file will be distributed because of GPL. You have to build it yourself.

That much is true, but it should be noted that the auto build ( developed by Koda59 and HeeBoo does make it a quite simple process - providing you read and follow the instructions to the letter!
This can be found in Summary at the bottom of the web page.
I am new to this forum although I am using a RPi HFB DAC since 2014 with openelec. I have upgraded to RPi 3 + BOSS DAC recently. I wanted to try Moode but making own image file from resources available does not seem to cup of tea. May i know whether the upcoming RC1 version will be released in .Img format.


moOde is Free Open Source Software (FOSS) and I'm no longer distributing pre-made images. I may provide them in the future if I can fully automate the very time consuming GPL administrative tasks, otherwise you can build moOde using the manual Build Recipe or the Automated Image Builder. It requires some Linux skills but if you read the diyAudio moOde thread you will see that many novices have been successful. The manual Recipe is located in the directory below.


The automated Image Builder can be downloaded at in the Support section.

If you wait a bit, a new Image Builder will be available at ahead of the GA release of moOde 4.0 (end of month). This Builder is based on the awesome work of Koda59 and HeeBoo and is easier to use and very robust :)

That much is true, but it should be noted that the auto build ( developed by Koda59 and HeeBoo does make it a quite simple process - providing you read and follow the instructions to the letter!
This can be found in Summary at the bottom of the web page.

In that case can you guide me more?
1. I install raspbian in sd card. Boot my pi from that.
2. Connect to Pi and login to Pi from my PC and execute the commands through putty in letter and spirit. And my Pi will boot in MoOde.
3. If the above two points are ok what is the utility of source code of version 4.0 beta 12 given in the download section of the same page. Is it to be ignored if I can successfully run moosimbo script?
I have already posted a query just now which is awaiting moderator's approval. But TIM in the above post has made the thing clear I think, if I use the automated image builder (moosimbo) I don't need the manual source code of the download section. Only thing is I need to boot my Pi with Raspbian once. Tim can you please confirm that I have understood correctly. One more thing, shall I install Raspbian Desktop version or Stretch Lite version?
Tim, thanks for your support. It seems i won't be able to keep patience till end of the month. Better i will do it in a couple of days and make myself conversant with the process which will be helpful once your new builder comes out. Thanks a lot.
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I have already posted a query just now which is awaiting moderator's approval. But TIM in the above post has made the thing clear I think, if I use the automated image builder (moosimbo) I don't need the manual source code of the download section. Only thing is I need to boot my Pi with Raspbian once. Tim can you please confirm that I have understood correctly. One more thing, shall I install Raspbian Desktop version or Stretch Lite version?
Tim, thanks for your support. It seems i won't be able to keep patience till end of the month. Better i will do it in a couple of days and make myself conversant with the process which will be helpful once your new builder comes out. Thanks a lot.

1. Install Stretch-lite to your uSD card using Etcher or Win32diskimager.
2. Once installed, on your PC use Windows explorer to add a new empty file called SSH in the boot directory of Stretch lite. Eject SD card from PC
Install SD card in Pi, power on and allow to boot. Now you can ssh to Pi using Putty or similar. Usre : pi, Password: raspberry.
3. Download the image builder as described in Start the image builder. Build might take an hour or more depending on internet connections etc.
4. You can track the build using
ssh pi@moode "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'"
User is now pi, password moodeaudio.
5. When complete you will see the END message. now you can access Moode via your browser.

Good Luck
Is there an FAQ and guide to start from scratch?

1. Use Win32diskimager, copy kernal to uSD
2. Install Wifi Adapter/USB Media Storage
3. At prompt, run Moode Download
4. Reset
5. Launch Web Browser/Config DAC hardware/Play Media Sourcd

Step 3, are there more details involved to get it running?

In preparation of the general release of v4.0 I did a build for one of my 3 RPi's. Using HeeBoo's post and the info scattered here and there, I documented what I did (see attached below). Keep in mind this was on a PC running Windows 10 Home. Ymmv.



  • Build Moode v4 with HeeBoo
    24.5 KB · Views: 151
Hi Everyone.

Recently installed Moode and have been enjoying it so far. My setup is a RPi + Hifiberry Digi Plus + Beresford Bushman MKii DAC + Cambridge Audio Integrated Amp + KEF Q350. My TV is connected to my DAC through TosLink and Pi through SPDIF and the DAC has the ability to switch inputs based on what input is on. The only problem is that when switch I off my TV and want to listen to music through the Pi, the inputs don't switch automatically and I have to go and change the inputs manually. Is it because the Pi is always on and keeps sending some empty signal to the DAC to make it think that it is on even though there is no music. Does anybody in the forum have a similar problem (a very very first world one though). The reason why I ask is am lazy sometimes to go change the inputs and that prevents me from listening to music as much as I want too.

FYI Thanks Tim for the excellent software. I have been using RPi from the initial days from simply running MPD and as a community we have come a long way.