John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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PMA, I would agree with you that their 'marketing' info is potentially biased, but I happen to know that Dr. Peter Craven is behind much of this process. I have known Dr. Craven since 1975, when he worked at Oxford University, and his associate at the time, Michael Gerzon, a true audio genius, comparable to Richard Heyser. I'm sure Dr. Craven has to 'wince' once in a while, like I do when marketing takes over, but he would not waste his time on something trivial.
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The condemning information about MQA is that the file size is not materially smaller than 24-bit flac, which IS lossless. They can flap their arms about the ostensible advantages of MQA all they want, but it's not going to beat lossless 24 bit in signal integrity, given that MQA is lossy and, at-best, is going to match 24/192.

* And that's before getting into all the licensing shenanigans. It simply reads like a money grab.
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Here is a picture of what I listened to, and the people running the demo.


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a money grab.

A variant of the Apple business plan, get people to pay for something that was free.

JC defending MQA I only get it in the context of who is attacking it. As for the white/no hairs and tubes, I was totally happy with Kevin K's all tube (IIRC DHT's and/or SET's were in there) certainly lots of fancy trannies and oil and paper caps. It made nice music even through a horn or two.
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The condemning information about MQA is that the file size is not materially smaller than 24-bit flac, which IS lossless.

One thing that caught my eye was their slide on apodization (windowing please). I could be made to believe that for straight 24/96 not all the information from 20k - 48k is worth keeping and somehow that might be useful, though the picture of "ringing" being removed is painfully obvious and a direct 24/96 recording with a gentle filter starting at 20k would have the same result. Some other presentations place the filter closer to Nyquist and allow some aliasing for some claimed benefit.
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Joined 2014
Paid Member
One thing that caught my eye was their slide on apodization (windowing please). I could be made to believe that for straight 24/96 not all the information from 20k - 48k is worth keeping and somehow that might be useful, though the picture of "ringing" being removed is painfully obvious and a direct 24/96 recording with a gentle filter starting at 20k would have the same result.

This part (basically the std Meridian Apodizing filter) I can understand*, esp the admission that there is naff all above 20kHz. It's all the other stuff rolled in, culminating in 'nice recording mate, shame if it didn't get MQA certified' that I have an issue with. In extremis Meridian want to take control of end to end data conversion which in my book is not a good thing.

*understand, don't necessarily believe will make an audible difference.
It's a scam, like DSD but worse. No one has even demonstrated that pre-ringing from steep linear phase filters is an audible problem to my knowledge, and that can be solved in the playback system without any IP encumbered proprietary money grab file format.

That seem to be my understanding at basis, more about $.

Now would I like to see better recording? **** ya... but I dont believe that MQA is that answer. If anything I expect to see less studios if its mass adopted.
Here is a picture of what I listened to, and the people running the demo.

Perhaps the more interesting part of this photo is that you have over 100 ignored requests of friendship, along with no profile photo.

FWIW I generally consider that a mark of trustworthiness in this day and age, however it could also be that it's just a mark of being 75 years old on social media.

I will do some A/B testing and report back.
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