What are you Watching?

At the end of the day, isn't it the director's job to get the performances he/ they have in mind?
So in this case, either Bardim had a non-stop brain-fart/ difference of artistic interpretation throughout the entire filming and the producers ran of out budget/patience, the Cohens got exactly what they wanted, and the vision was just a bit too wired, or nobody gave a rat's a$$, and the rave reviews are "Emperor's New Clothes" syndrome, and you just don't see what ain't end there?
We just watched "Tammy and the Bachelor" on TCM, and now are tuned into "Tammy Tell Me True". One can't help but notice that these are Disney sets. Both are really nice movies. Debbie Reynolds, Walter Brennan and Leslie Nielsen in the first, Sandra Dee in the second.

I think my Mom has my circa 1957 Davy Crockett hat somewhere back in the ancestral homeland.
Don't forget the mohawk; my mom just sat and cried........


My nephew had long hair when he was a soph in the same buttoned-up Jesuit high school I attended. The Dean of Men was not pleased and sent him to get a haircut -- so he came back with a mullet! This so offended the Dean that he waltzed the offendant down to the barber shop and had him trimmed, neat!

The barber shop was actually a barber school. For two-bits you got a haircut and a cut on the ear circa 1965.

Keeping back on track, just watched "Death in Paradise" which is a nice escape from reality. "Ruggles of Red Gap" on TCM currently in the rotation -- wonderful of Charles Laughton to make this movie!
Say what you will about the title character - just not here, perhaps - but hasn't Gordon-Leavitt turned into one of the most consummate young English speaking actors of his generation? He and Eddie Redmayne can inhabit a character so thoroughly that the first few minutes of their next film is a bit of a shock.

I'd bet Stephen Hawking wishes he remembered having as much fun as in the film.

I'm looking forward to tonight's debate - although of course, there will be little that can be said here about other than - "yep, that was some more talking / bellicose ranting going on there"
About freaking time - I mean there's lots of competent female actors on the small tube, but none I can think of with such an array of characters to keep straight. And of course much credit should be given to the producers, make-up and wardrobe - and not the least, the editing staff.

Major theatrical release with scores of millions of dollars of CGA budget and years of production time have done worse than this.

yeah, fanboy, I guess