CSR8645 Bluetooth 4.0 AAC APT-X Module / Baseboard

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yes, I have also spent weeks trying to get the pcm interface working. After having read all possible documents mainly from chinese sites, and tried many configurations, I am also stuck.
I hope that one day someone comes with some functional pskeys for the digital audio IF of the csr8645 module.
I have bad news.
I had dump for this, but it was done time ego, so tomorrow i will try find this dump on work pc.. I spend some time to find this and try to configure for spdif, but i do not remember how to do this;)
But nothing lose, i find this dump.
This chip was pure (no configure) so i put this to box and do not use anymore;)

Offcorse i tryed setup i2s, so no possible now to recover dump from chip.
Please, forgive me, i promise to find this;)
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Ok, so
Dump is here:

SCR8670, You can setup csr8645 the same, I have to check it.
Mobilephone=>bluethooth=>csr8670=>spdif=>74HC157=>AK4113=>is2(master, left jus.)=>PCM5102A=>analog.
Sampling spdif 48KHz.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Thanks mate, but this is still a 8670. :D

The dump is from your 8645 module?

On the 8670, I2S is working as well.


So maybe this is the magic:
&01b3 = 0080 0900
&01b4 = 0000
&01b6 = 006c
&01b7 = 0007
&01b8 = 0108
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Ok, so my opinion:
&01ab = 0001// True
&01b0 = 0000// False
&01bd = 0000
&01bd = 0000
&01b6 = 006c
&01b3 = 0080 0900
// PSKEY_HOSTIO_MAP_SCO_PCM &01ab = 0001// True -enable stream to pcm
// PSKEY_HOSTIO_MAP_SCO_CODEC &01b0 = 0000// False - disable use codek
// PSKEY_HOSTIO_MAP_SCO_PCM_SLOT &01bd = 0000 - route to pcm0
// PSKEY_PCM_FORMAT &01b6 = 006c - format pcm (bitrate)
// PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32 &01b3 = 0080 0900 - master,slave,left,rigth justified

But 8670 still stream to spdif:)
Now i try setup this to 8645
About pskey 35 and 36
This is keys to setup pcm also, but in datasheet are 11 words, in 8646 only 10.
This was divide ( first are in 35, second in 36).

You can there also setup i2s, but documents are not corresponding to 8645 keys...
I changed there also something, but no have note what.
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About pskey 35 and 36

from my trials, the 3rd word of pskey 35 seems to be related to volume attenuation.

I thought I might purchase a cs8645 bases bluetooth - spdif bridge device to read its pskeys ( see this blog for device insight Aptx Bluetooth 4.0 music receiver )

I wonder what role does the 128kbits flash device play in my module or the one (which might even be bigger) on the above link.
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