John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Do we have different wikis?

This is what wiki says:

"Dowsing is considered to be a pseudoscience.[32][33]

A 1948 study tested 58 dowsers' ability to detect water. None of them was more reliable than chance.[34] A 1979 review examined many controlled studies of dowsing for water, and found that none of them showed better than chance results.[2] A 2006 study of grave dowsing in Iowa reviewed 14 published studies and determined that none of them correctly predicted the location of human burials, and simple scientific experiments demonstrated that the fundamental principles commonly used to explain grave dowsing were incorrect.[35]

A randomized double-blind trial in 2012 was carried out to determine whether homeopaths were able to distinguish between Bryonia and placebo by use of a dowsing method. The results were negative.[36]"

Wiki also goes on to summarise several significant negative studies, and provides references for them. Nevertheless there seems some kind of inbuilt reluctance to accept this within a faction of the audio community here, and the parallels with certain audio myths are obvious.
Many transistors have Vcbo much higher than Vceo. How does operation above Vceo differ? IE what if you used a 2N5551 at 170V? Does it affect 1/F noise?

Yes, the 1/f noise goes to zero!

It seems fantastic, but it is true. However upon further examination it is not so fantastic. (Fantastic in the sense of meaning "unbelievable".) The beta has also gone to zero, as have ALL other parameters. The silicon junctions have melted and all three terminals have a dead short.

Trust me, just as with dowsing, I have seen it but cannot explain it.
This would seem to be a fundamental misunderstanding of how science works. Just because the scientific method doesn't match your world view doesn't make it broken. An untested theory was tested and results published. That is GOOD science.

No, it demonstrates the problem perfectly.

Even flipping Nature went out of their way to crucify Turin. The editor-in-chief wrote an introduction denouncing Turin (he was too cowardly to mention his name) and then printed the paper he had commissioned.

Now Nature is exposed for the fraud that it is and DBT is exposed for the fraud that it is.

All of the people with blinders claiming that only DBT is acceptable for audio are also victims of fraudulent "thinking".

If they want "proof", simply connect an EEG and measure the brain activity. Here is an anecdotal experience of how DBT fails when clearly the brain activity has changed.
Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my first full day with my Pono. I want to once again thank Neil Young and his team for bringing Pono to us.

My thoughts after a year:

I thought it was me. I knew that cds didn't sound as good as vinyl. I knew that mp3s were missing lots of parts of the music. But yet I had an iPod full of them. And I never put two and two together when I began to think that nobody made music any more that moved me. I thought it was me. I thought I had become older and jaded and just couldn't feel like I used to. Even the music that had always brought tears to my eyes and jabs to my heart had begun to lose its effect on me. I thought there was something wrong with ME.

The summer before last my wife and I stopped at a yard sale and the people were selling all their cds for $1 apiece. They said they had put it all on their computer and could stream it through their house so they no longer needed the discs. We bought 45 cds, it was a pretty good score. We started discussing doing what those people did. We already had a dock for the iPod and we would listen to it most of the time out of laziness. (Listen to, well we would play it. Usually very low as background music.) I hadn't turned the stereo on in ages. At Thanksgiving one of the speakers was in the way so we had moved it out of the room and never put it back. I kept promising to move it all upstairs as I wasn't ready to actually part with it. But I didn't. The iPod dock sat across the turntable cover and we hooked up a digital radio to that so we were all set. Or so we thought.

The following spring I heard about Neil Young's kickstarter for Pono. I had seen him talking about it before and I really wanted to hear it. I never buy audio equipment without hearing it but this time I did. I pledged for the kickstarter. Then I waited anxiously until my Pono was delivered. While I waited I met some very cool people in the pono community online.

One year ago yesterday it arrived. I had to pick my Mom up the next day, the house needed cleaning, but I HAD to hear it. I brought the speaker back into the living room and hooked up the Pono to our old stereo. Mine is an LE and it came with the two Jackson Browne albums. I put on Late For The Sky and for the next 40 minutes all we could do was sit on a chair in between the speakers and listen. There it was, the missing music, and I once again felt the chills go through me by the end of "side 1." And it only got better as time went on. I ripped all of our cds to FLAC. I have bought a lot of new music, both high res and not. I will no longer listen to mp3s. I listen with headphones early in the morning while I have my coffee and while I work. In the evenings we will now sit and just listen to music, something we hadn't done in years, but was once a large part of our lives. The old stereo is still cranking and very much back in action. I can't believe a year has gone by because I am still amazed regularly when listening to it. I can feel it again. I don't care about who thinks it's for real or not because only I know what I feel. The music that grabs me and shakes me and makes me cry or high, makes me tap my feet, it's back. Righteous? Yes- in so many ways! This is the best $400 I have ever spent. I had thought it was me but it wasn't. Pono's tagline is "your soul redicovers music." I think maybe for me, the music has rediscovered my soul.
I can give thousands of similar stories. Applying a method of test that has been repeatedly shown to be insensitive to the phenomenon being studied is not "science". It is the fraud that is accepted as "science".
For all you "scientists" too lazy to click on the link that KBK provided, here is just the first paragraph of one link:

(—In a quantum superposition, a quantum object can be in two incompatible states at the same time, which is famously illustrated by Schrödinger's dead-and-alive cat. Recent research has shown that it's possible to have a superposition not only of incompatible states, but also of incompatible orders of events. We often think of events occurring in a definite chronological order, with event A happening (and causing) event B, or vice versa. But in certain quantum processes, events don't happen in a single definite order, but instead both orders (A before B, and B before A) occur at the same time. This counterintuitive superposition-like phenomenon is called "causal nonseparability."

Read more at: Quantum process demonstrates superposition of ordered events
So how did the guy sketch out the location and quantity of pipes correctly?
Probably educated guesswork. Coincidentally, I corrected guessed the layout, location and depth of the public drain which ran across our land..........just intelligent guesswork and a priori knowledge of likely answers.

Point is that we can become very attached to these 'truths' even when they have no real basis and are vigorously shown as likely to be false. The audio parallels are strikingly obvious.
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Probably educated guesswork. Coincidentally, I corrected guessed the layout, location and depth of the public drain which ran across our land..........just intelligent guesswork and a priori knowledge of likely answers.

Point is that we can become very attached to these 'truths' even when they have no real basis and are vigorously shown as likely to be false. The audio parallels are strikingly obvious.

Actually one of the pipes was not expected to be there. Caused a bit of a stir when it showed up. They had to check to be sure it was abandoned.

Just try to keep an open mind and maybe you can watch something that is quite improbable.

As to audio "truths" some of the really weird stuff does show up under precise measurement conditions. Resistors are obvious and easy to measure. Capacitors a bit harder to measure but what you measure is the trick for them. Cable has interesting skin effects, just starting to get a good measure on them.

Switch contacts in relays turn out to be mostly an easy issue. Some relays are constructed with the circuit path entirely of copper except for the gold flashed contacts. Then the copper is strapped to the steel pole piece! Others, sulfur causes problems. Lots of things that don't affect most systems can pop up in others. Just wait till you see what AC line contamination can cause!
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Just try to keep an open mind and maybe you can watch something that is quite improbable.
Dowsing is vigorously shown not to have advantage over random guesswork, it's not sensible to keep an open mind. It is just that kind of approach which leads to the 'anything is possible' audio brigade, and opens the door to phantom perception which needs no invitation anyways. The rest is well known history.
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