John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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WOW! I just had a visit from Jack Bybee, and did he show me something special. New materials that actually change the state of things nearby!

I was worried recently that I had come near to running out of new ideas to try. But Jack Bybee put me 'right'. There is now, new hope for even better audio products in the future, as well as automotive and video, with these new applications of physics.

Anyone here 'believe' in 'dark matter', or 'dark energy'?

If you do, at all, then spooky action at a distance is a reality in that playbook.

No way past that one.

For example, the FACT (some like that useless word) that the pulsars of the universe are all aligned with one another, in relation to one another, in a way that exceeds the speed of light, with regards to the pattern of the alignment and it's size.

which means that FTL, or spooky action at a distance, outside of linear time and outside of the speed of light,... is a FACT.

established. science. fact. done deal.

It sounds like many of us have had the same experience in our own areas of work experiences. How many times we have seen a young engineer right out of school who has no ability to apply all that book knowledge while someone with less schooling is looked down on but can run circles around that new hire. Practical experience is needed to apply that book learning, those that appear to have that ability out of school were usually the ones who loved what they were doing and more than likely had a very good understanding before ever entering a college classroom. I guess going to school when I did near the end of times when shop classes were still taught made a big difference as I still find that those of that generation and before seem to have a broader base of experience and understanding of how things work. So few can even open the hood of a car and identify any of the parts under the hood, or take apart a piece of equipment and can put it back together. It is a real problem the way our public schools have dropped the ball telling all that the days of needing to understand mechanical and physical phenomena are a thing of the past.

Oh my word yes, and the people who have the fancy degrees have the hugest egoes in the entire world and treat you like scum if you ever try to be friends with them. Especially graphic designers who have had smoke blown up their **** their entire lives.

I'll take any of them on any day in a fault diagnosing challenge. I cannot stand the classroom these days the classrooms feel like tombs full of dumb textbook students who will never get any job ever, the few that actually do are the cocky ones who never speak and never talk to anyone in the entire class ever and they are stupider than you or I are because they've never socialized and therefore cannot possibly know the first hand knowledge that everyone else who has done the work does know.

The reason for this is because the employers aren't actually hiring, nobody is, especially in a recession and that happened even before the recession hit, but the educators are still allowing students in because it MAKES THEM MONEY.

Its the kids with rich parents and fully grown adults who have had a job before who actually get the jobs that degrees provide and its not because of their knowledge or first hand experience its because mummy or daddy knows someone and they have lots of money. Simple as that. I went through up to doing a Cisco CCNA course, the teachers flat out lied to an entire years class just so they could fill the seats and run the course for the one guy in the entire classroom who actually knew what the **** he was doing because he had a job in the field before hand. He was just brushing up on his skills and getting the piece of paper. We were used like pawns.

The Cisco CCNA courses were meant to EDUCATE US not TEST US. Barraging a student repeatedly with questions is not TEACHING THEM especially when you give them NO TIME TO STUDY during the week!

You are given barely enough time to even shower and eat before you have to cram and then go to bed for the next days questions. And guess what you do on the weekends? That's right, cram more answers in for the questions instead of learning the technology and learning it hands on, you are given ADDITIONAL work over the weekend to do ontop of what you have to do. So you never get a day off, ever.

Nobody told us that it was a hidden requirement of the course that you actually needed to do a job in this field before you applied for the course. It was a complete blatant rip off of all of the students and a massive waste of their time.

Consumerism and bribery has met in the classroom and taken it over.

It makes me so mad that the classrooms are now full of bribery and corruption and that students including myself are treated like absolute crap for the sake of giving students with rich parents a better chance at passing. It happens, those students are given more time one on one with the teacher, they are always given the best textbooks and the best access to textbooks, the free Libraries are a JOKE! The books that you need ALWAYS checked out and the books if you need to buy one are $600 each or more.

We are society's calculated rejects.
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Well! I thought it was tough when I went to school, but that was 50 years ago, and it WAS easier then to get a job. My experience is also that those who LOVE the subject that they want to learn, do best in the real world as well. Several engineers that I have admired, did not have degrees at all. Of course, it was also helpful to know and work with engineers with advanced degrees as well, as they add another (the intellectual or book learning)part to complete the overall training in design engineering. However, SOME 'academics' are a real pain in the ---, and so it goes. '-)
Joined 2002
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The music note or the main’s connector?




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Spooky action at a distance is a reality. That's the meaning of quantum entanglement. Which was settled experimentally in favour of Bohr by Aspect. Although you can argue about it, people still are...

Have you read any papers from the principle investigators? Quantum entanglement and things like the delayed choice experiment have nothing to do with super-luminal communication.

By communication I mean actual transfer of information as in tweeking a pair in Morse code.
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