My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

Shoom - The sensitivity of my speakers requires just a little push on some pieces I like to play LOUD. Agreed - most use requires just a pot or other attenuation. As reported earlier, I used to be the DM for a really good 120 member all male marching band - so my perception of "realistic levels" may well be out of the park. :yell: :D

pinnocchio - " Nothing to compare to the older JC-2" Are you comparing the new kit to the older JA kit or the original authentic JC-2?
Shoom - The sensitivity of my speakers requires just a little push on some pieces I like to play LOUD. Agreed - most use requires just a pot or other attenuation. As reported earlier, I used to be the DM for a really good 120 member all male marching band - so my perception of "realistic levels" may well be out of the park. :yell: :D

pinnocchio - " Nothing to compare to the older JC-2" Are you comparing the new kit to the older JA kit or the original authentic JC-2?

I'm comparing against the older kit. I never had the chance to compare the newer JC-2 with the original one but the circuit is supposed to be very close to the original. But of course original transistors are not available anymore.

True Confessions :shy:

I've been off playing in the Class A (Pass) world all summer - 1. Because I wanted to be able to make comparisons to the FE. 2. Been playing with liquid cooling and those babies run HOT. 3. Was just plain fun to do something new. 4. All my good caps were out on loan.

Yesterday I combined: JRiver Media Studio (flac files) > Dario's Mini2496 Upgrade DAC > Uriah's Lighter Note LDR attenuator > FEs (w/TCs)> Sunflower Speakers. Kind of like a family reunion.

I was honestly blown away. Simply stunning sound reproduction. The big Pass style amps I've built are truly impressive with a large super clean stage that give no hint of distortion or lack of ability to handle anything sent in their direction. Excellent sound.

But --- if you want to reach over and feel the vibrations on the crash cymbal, hear the air moving through Miles Davis's trumpet, point to the chair the second alto sax is sitting in and feel the couch bounce on the drum fills .......

I haven't heard the full width and most significantly - depth of stage the FEs produce from any other setup.

In reference to the recent discussion about preamps, I hadn't used the Lighter Note for a long time as well. LDRs aren't the choice of some, but this unit just simply lets everything in the recording pass through to the amp. On the first track I played yesterday ( Copland's Appalachian Spring - Dorati - London Symp.) the impression of the air/space between the instruments and sections was clearly and remarkably present. I have never heard anything even close to that with either a simple pot or any powered/gain preamp. Again, I haven't experienced the highly regarded B1 buffer yet (soon), but it will have to be something amazing to beat the Lighter Note. Sadly that exact unit is no longer available from Uriah, but I would encourage FE builders to look into a LDR solution of some sort as they ponder the choices.

It's nice to be back home.:D

Dario - Simply Fantastic !!! - Thanks

Edit: I think it's significant to mention I'm using SP/DIF over BNC copper to feed the DAC. It's the warmest,cleanest and most accurate in my system.
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Hi Bob

Interesting thoughts :)

I’ve not tried the LDR type pre’s yet but I’ve heard some good things about them paired with MYREF’s.

I’ll put that on the list of things to try.:cool:

I was thinking of trying the F5 next but after building the FE I’m in no rush TBH.

I’m also using Jriver which is very slick but (without causing an argument) I use The Jplay mini for more serious listening. I think that it sounds a little better but others hear no difference.:cool:

My ears my system.

I also use USB/TP Teleporter/ I2S from my PC to DAC which sounds pretty nice.


I was thinking that a couple of ’’ plastic ‘’ Cap clamp would do a nice job of holding those C13 in place.


Some metal ones but insulate the cap body with some PTFE Mummy wrap or something similar. Drill and tap holes straight into the heat sink to make a secure fixing and jobs good.
Hey Ivan,

Been doodling for a cap mount. If you get a small piece of Plexislas or Lexan it can be cut with a coping/hobby saw, or scored and split by bending over a sharp table edge. Drill a couple holes and as mentioned earlier, mount to heatsink with screws or glue. My favorite is GOOP. It's not very heat sensitive, has great grip and can be removed if needed. You can make the mounting bracket any size or shape you need.

Also, I'm using a PC only because the music server I built started on that platform. I have a nice Mac Pro clone but really have no reason to switch. I'm sure they would be equal for playing digital media. The quality of the DAC between the source and the FEs seems more important to me. The only self contained device I've used is a Galaxy II phone playing flac files. It sounded great but can't quite hold the 6 TB of music I've collected :D

This is really off topic (sorry Dario :eek:) but if I select an audio driver on the PC that includes volume control - JRiver's Gizmo android amp provides total control and accurate selection (down to the track level) of all the music on the server - from the phone - in the house or over the internet. Pretty slick. :cool:


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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Dario,

Send me a link to your spreadsheet sign up page. When I click on the link for GB3 on page #88, it directs me to Page #1 for GB3. At this point everything is OK. I then click on "Google Spreadsheet as directed, and it takes me to the Google document page, where I can do nothing. It does not take me to the spreadsheet.

Not sure what is happening here????

Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Dario,

Just figured out what was happening. The goggle page had an email address linked to the page. Once I deleted the email address, and clicked on the spreadsheet link, everything worked as normal. I am already down for 2 kits, was just wondering how many had signed up.

Sorry about the confusion, my bad.