The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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retro vintage modern hi-fi: Secrets of the Voigt Speaker - By Peter Skinner

Joined 2006
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Some folks in mental institutions put all kind of metal things in their body, and are very creative at arranging the merchandise.
Everything from pushing needles and/or nails completely through their skin, to cutlery items as e.g. a fork by other means.

Often goes unnoticed, sometimes for a long time. By the time the collector starts to act up, and taken to hospital for Xrays, a spoon may have gone adrift in the abdominal cavity. A set of all-body images of such people, can be astounding time and again.

(Champagne/wine/beer bottles, to even more bizarre items. A gay doctor/specialist friend travels the land with a suitcase in the train, at least the content is pure silicone grade. Stupid bloke got off once, and forgot the toy case. :clown: )
Joined 2006
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I'm guessing that some sort of discounted "closeout special" from parts house wouldn't quite suffice then... I'm short of having any of the big $$$$ lowther's hanging around in the spare parts bin...:rolleyes:

I guess that you could try to cheat things a bit with a decent full range driver - but now I think that I'm stepping upon a slippery slope with that thought.

Besides - I'm a sucker for air motion transformers and I don't see that working for this....
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