The Weather

Common European misconception. They're all Americans. Lots of subcultures, lots of regional diversity, and lots of languages. You'll see a Chinese looking woman walking out of an Indian restaurant carrying a pizza. And it was cooked by some guys with Spanish names and Mexican complexions.

I just read that in our old suburb, the students in the school system speak 26 different native languages.
Did you lose suitcase on the way up?

I have plenty of warm clothes stashed in the house. I rarely wear them though. My bodies internal thermostat has been whacked, and is getting worse. Shovelling snow for an hour in a T-shirt is normal for me even in 20 degree weather as lonh as there is no wind. The tank top and flip flops picture was however a set up for my friends back in Florida.

Wednesday morning it was 12 degrees and windy. I did wear a denim jacket while loading the car for the trip home. It was COLD that morning. I am now in Orlando, about 250 miles from home. People here are complaining about the is 65 degrees.....yeah, its so cold.....right?
Down under its hot today

All that white stuff looks so inviting...

Currently 40C. rising to 44C over the next five days. With hot sticky nights. Bush fires (wild fires) are the biggest fear.

Yesterday it was only about 38C and I took the bike out for a bit of a zoom-zoom. After about 10 minutes really spongy brake levers - the heat softens the rubber of the brake lines, lines balloon under pressure, no brakes, flapping sphincter. Braided lines are very overdue. At the same time tyres get really soft and grip like glue, so there is an upside.
In Australia we have almost no collective understanding of what 'really cold' is.

When I was with IBM I had a trip to Seoul in Sth Korea in February. So I packed my winter weight stuff - car to the office door sorts of things. I was going from 35C to minus 25C and the hostie was getting worried about me crossing the air bridge to the terminal when we arrived. Nah, she'll be right - famous last words. Fair dinkum, it was cold enough to freeze the balls off a billiard table, as some would say.

Interestingly the extremes are equally deadly to the unprepared or the very old and very young. Babies still die when left in a car in the sun in the shopping centre carpark for a couple of minutes and all sorts of folks still perish, mainly as a result of breakdowns, in the hotter, isolated central parts of the country.

That said I think I prefer our warmer climate even though it is going to be above 40C today and tomorrow. Plus, beer tastes better on a hot day.
I prefer our warmer climate even though it is going to be above 40C today and tomorrow.

Not me. It doesn't get that hot here, usually about 35 to 37C at the worst in July and August, but the humidity is 95 to 100%. Even in winter it can be 25 to 30C for weeks, and just as humid.

Today I spent an hour washing the road salt from the car dressed in only a pair of shorts, then spent about an hour in the pool. Yes, its back to normal, and tomorrow....back to work.
Cold? whatzat??? We were afraid summer wouldn't get started with a bunch of Spring/Summer storms marching thru with the rain & wind............but today it really got cranked up at 90F or so....but the misquitos are out with the soggy ground for days.



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Joined 2002
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It's now what we call winter here !
Day time max 31 deg C and evenings min 24 deg C on Jan 2nd.
Yesterday it was 32 C/ 25 C ! It's an unusually hot winter.
The average temperatures should be 28 C / 21 C for this part of the year.
Wonder what summer ( May) will be like this year . Maybe 50 C / 36 C !!:eek:

All air-cons will be turned on and the power grid will fail mid day and at night !
It's like sitting in a furnace !
Extract from a news link.....

Residents in the outback town of Oodnadatta are preparing for their seventh consecutive day above 45 degrees Celsius.
The temperature at the town in South Australia's far north is forecast to reach 47C today after reaching 46C on Saturday and 47C on Sunday and Monday.
It will be the 10th day in a row above 40C.
The last time the town experienced a maximum below 35C was December 10.
The Bureau of Meteorology says the town has already set a new local record, eclipsing two previous runs of five days in a row above 45C.
Lynnie Plate from Oodnadatta's Pink Roadhouse says residents are struggling to stay cool.
"The bitumen is melting, our freezer is not coping. I had to throw out half a dozen cartons of ice cream yesterday," she said.
"Nothing is coping really. The petrol pumps won't pump unleaded after midday. They vaporise so we've got to wait for a cool change if there is such a thing.
2012 has been the hottest year on record ever for much of the US.

Since south Florida is a major tourist location, the true temperature is seldom reported on TV, and my location is 15 miles from the ocean and less than a mile from the Everglades (swamp). It can be 10 degrees hotter here than the beach temperature conservatively reported on TV.
Joined 2002
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We have now been told that we have had about 30% less rainfall than usual. So we will have water shortage mid summer . Great for the water tanker business ( mostly owned by politicians !) . AND the sea is just next door !
It will be a HOT , dry and expensive electric power too !
A pre-training school for HELL ! :D