John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Joined 2012
Without taking measurements, using only my technical common sense, I installed 4 isolation transformers to my stereo setup, fed from a dedicated in-wall power line. The transformers were wound to my specifications by a local workshop, the secondary of each transformer is balanced (a center tap connected to the mains ground), with simple PI RF filter at either the secondary or both the primary and secondary. (The power cords and AC outlets connected to the transformers do matter, or make a difference).
One transformer feeds the power amp, another feeds the analogue section (pre-amp with phono stage), another feeds the digital sources (CDP and DAC) and fourth one feeds all gear with switching PSUs: universal player, home theater receiver and HTPC.
All power cords to the stereos setup gear pieces and to the power splitter are shielded.
The turntable motor is hooked to a separate in-wall power line.
The TV set is hooked via a shielded power cord and a mains filter to a separate in-wall power line.
The benefit to the sound of the isolation transformers and the entire configuration is notable.

It may be not very scientific, though practical, beneficial and reasonably economical.

[ pssst. i'm not really here -- cause its all a placibo affect anyway ]
"Most productive" means more productive than which others? And how was productivity measured?

I added to my previous post. Most productive in terms of end results per time.

However, there are lots of myths around NLP like around High-End audio. For example, this Wiki page is all about "indeed NLP is failed to be what it never was claimed to be", like scientific psycho-therapeutic school, while actually NLP is a Meta-Model that works excellent when modeling patterns and strategies, no more. This page:

Neuro-linguistic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

reminds me very much the page in Wiki about tube sound:

Tube sound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I added to my previous post. Most productive in terms of end results per time.

I see - those are therapies directed towards very specific outcomes, not at all what I was talking about. I agree they're jolly effective.

I've studied around NLP a fair bit myself, have half a dozen books on it or indirectly related to it. Not all I've managed to penetrate and digest though :)
Just as mysticism is clouded in myths, its no surprise that NLP is too.
I see - those are therapies directed towards very specific outcomes, not at all what I was talking about. I agree they're jolly effective.

I've studied around NLP a fair bit myself, have half a dozen books on it or indirectly related to it. Not all I've managed to penetrate and digest though :)
Just as mysticism is clouded in myths, its no surprise that NLP is too.

NLP is also clouded in myths because of mercantile reasons, like High-End audio do. One time it was a good label for a business, so people paid quite big money to attend Richard Bandler's seminars in order to get certificates to use his three letters in own business advertisements.

Back to the topic.
Honestly, I don't know if she learned to establish rapport or not, but if she did (I 99 percent sure that she did), she would do that by default with all people she met.
Honestly, I don't know if she learned to establish rapport or not, but if she did (I 99 percent sure that she did), she would do that by default with all people she met.

My observation from that story is that she became upset. Not a particularly professional response to her predicament - I'd send her back to training school if I were her boss - she needed to take herself less seriously :D
My observation from that story is that she became upset. Not a particularly professional response to her predicament - I'd send her back to training school if I were her boss - she needed to take herself less seriously :D

Lots of psychologists believe that repression of emotions is harmful, including such emotions like sadness and anger. They even do clinical research to prove that. :D
diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
I see a different episodes Richard and you presented. Ok.

And how do you know Dan was not lying?? Did you see her upset, or was you told? (One tends to believe what one wishes to when it reinforces one's own beliefs. So it is just heresay?)
Just asking and making an observation.


I wouldn't have participated in such a test, even as a spectator. So I certainly didn't see her upset. And my experience with Dan (which is extensive, we worked together for years) has not indicated any tendencies to prevarication. And how would he have lied? Fabricated the entire story? And if so, to what end?

BTW, your remarks are profoundly insulting. And you don't even know my "beliefs".

Do you exempt yourself from this?: "One tends to believe what one wishes to when it reinforces one's own beliefs. So it is just heresay?"
bcarso: I wouldn't have participated in such a test, even as a spectator. So I certainly didn't see her upset. And my experience with Dan (which is extensive, we worked together for years) has not indicated any tendencies to prevarication.

Ok, not proof but your observations are noted.

BTW, your remarks are profoundly insulting. And you don't even know my "beliefs".

I would expect her to be insulted to your post as well. You are insulted because I asked if you had proof to back up your attack on her?

And how would he have lied? Fabricated the entire story? And if so, to what end?

Well, look at her position/degree, what you posted, the other's agreeing without any proof. Need anymore hints?

Do you exempt yourself from this?: "One tends to believe what one wishes to when it reinforces one's own beliefs. So it is just heresay?"

Why ask me? I am not the one who posted your comment.

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Since there is so little real substance going on here -- I'll bring you all to the future -- in this case 2006.

The base line is upper right.... incoming noise from the utility company.... clean. But any product you turn on - see the CD and CPU example shown -- like TV and digital products and every other thing in the home -- puts noise onto the ac line. The noise is conducted directly onto the ac line.
The spectrums are of 'live' ac power on the ac line cords of the plugged in products. When they are off... base line again. The lower right is a filter that also gives a base line spectrum when the product is plugged into it for power.... no added noise on the ac power lines. Noise does not, by and large, come from outside the home. (I suppose this will be something new to find new tangents to go off on). View attachment 293306 --Thx RNM

Dick I must have missed something, I don't find bi-directional power conditioning/filtering future or rocket science. Why on earth was the Tice clock brought up in the first place? I took it as an implication that an ordinary black box connected to any outlet via 6' of ordinary zip cord to boot could clean up all the wiring in your house. That I don't buy.
This is all well and good, I still find airborne RFI/EMI more often a problem. I plan to try +-48V flooded lead acid batteries as my primary audio PS sometime this year. Anyone have any experience with deep cycle vs automotive batteries? I use deep cycle for solar since the plates are thicker and they recover from 50% discharge, this gives a higher series resistance but in either case this is extremely low.

I am leaning toward deep cycle because in this respect automotive batteries are a very special purpose device. They are intended to deliver a huge current briefly and be kept topped up the rest of the time. I would think a long listening session would be like leaving your headlights on all night.

Deep cycle batteries have a tweak to the chemistry of the plate to make them survive deep discharge for a higher number of cycles than a std car battery, it is not entirely the plate thickness.
Deep cycle batteries have a tweak to the chemistry of the plate to make them survive deep discharge for a higher number of cycles than a std car battery, it is not entirely the plate thickness.

I've read that it's not just the extra lead though there is extra lead, Rolls has several tweaks for their top of the line deep cycle but it is prohibitively expensive. I've had good luck with the Trojan T105's and my own temperature compensated float circuit for when they are in storage/disuse.
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