Burn In speakercable

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What cables would be suitable? Anything that could be DIY'd without a lot of expense?


I could make lots of cables, but i need end's, if i can get a few pairs of these, id throw in the tools and the wire and stuff,

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
We'd need more than a few pairs. Overall, we'd need about two dozen pair for terminating a dozen pairs of cables.

Two pair for sighted A/B, and ten for the actual test pairs.


well, all i need is the connectors, so if some one wants to get connectors, ill pitch in the techflex silver wire and labour.

well, all i need is the connectors, so if some one wants to get connectors, ill pitch in the techflex silver wire and labour.

Actually, I have a bunch of Kobiconn RCA's that I had custom gold plated. They're actually a very nice connector. Very low mass. Only thing is I don't have the covers for them. Though a bit of heatshrink could take care of that.

If they'd be acceptable, I have plenty I'd be happy to donate to the cause.



Joined 2008
Should we setup a GB thread where other people can contribute whatever else is needed? Shipping things will cost some money, so it would make sense to start contributions towards that, whatever people can, as a donation.

Also, we'll need to spell out the problem to be solved, test procedure, goal to achieve, possibly in the first post of the GB thread.
All the tests like this that I'm aware of employ multi-way speakers.
If the aim is to determine audibility of differences, then the less electronic manipulation in the signal path the better.......IME, single fullrange drivers are usually more revealing of subtle differences than multi-ways.

The claim (by the audiophiles) was not on audible differences between amps being heard on (only) fullrange speakers. You seem to be suggesting that if they had used a fullranger they would have been successful. I think this is wishfull thinking.
Could/should a single fullrange driver be used as the speaker for these tests?
Only if the claim is that differences can be heard on that type of loudspeaker.
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Joined 2008
John, can you please help? I mean, be part of the effort, if not by being the tested one, at least contribute with advice. It's a real chance for people to collaborate, let's not screw this. In any case, I hope the test will be architected by consensus, and you John can be part of the design. What do you think? Don't be so cranky all of a sudden.
Actually, I have a bunch of Kobiconn RCA's that I had custom gold plated. They're actually a very nice connector. Very low mass. Only thing is I don't have the covers for them. Though a bit of heatshrink could take care of that.

If they'd be acceptable, I have plenty I'd be happy to donate to the cause.


can you post picture of the rca connector ? or pm me with picture ?
If the claim being made is that the differences occur on the metallurgical level, then start with ordinary copper braid speaker wire. Better cables making more difference just doesn't make sense to me. Not that I think any of this is worth effort, but if a test is going forward we/you should use the most common and most commonly used material as a control.

Ever thought of the possibility that other things like poor dielectric might swamp the effect of burn-in in common cables? If you are happy with common cables, then just ignore the whole burn-in issue.

Silly Question:
Once the cables are burned-in, how long will that last? Will shipping them to someone undo the burn-in effect?
Just looking for possible objections in the test.

Cables do loose some of it's 'burn-in' when handled and not using them for long times also seems to have an effect. I would say they should be packed to prevent movement and it should be OK.

I don't think we must look at 12 sets of cables for now, if someone can make two sets of relatively good cables, burn in one set and send them to me for initial testing would make more sense. Just mark them A and B, and see if I can hear a difference and perhaps also tell which set is burned-in.
I don't think we must look at 12 sets of cables for now, if someone can make two sets of relatively good cables, burn in one set and send them to me for initial testing would make more sense. Just mark them A and B, and see if I can hear a difference and perhaps also tell which set is burned-in.

I didn't mean 12 sets to start off with. Just the one pair is fine for starters. I only meant if it went past that stage, we'd ultimately need 12 total.

Reality check

You guys live on the opposite side of the planet from each other.
If you want to be in the same place at the same time for a test, there's going to be some expensive air travel involved.

Or were you planning to just mail the cables to Andre and take his word for it when he says he's done a test and heard a difference?

I think he's already said that.


Disabled Account
Joined 2006
Sorry John, the turtle stuff far predates Bertrand, he is in this case irrelevant. The West trying to usurp 1000's of years of Eastern tradition is boring and offensive. The best strategy is to just shut up and listen.

[WAY O.T.]

I don't know what John is babbling about, but in defense of the old late Bertie, the point being made in the only paragraph of his that I know of in which a tortoise pertaining to 1000's of years of any kind of tradition is mentioned, is hardly offensive. As for being guilty of trying to "usurp 1000's of years of Eastern tradition", come on :rolleyes:

Regarding literalism, that varies in degree from religionist to religionist and I doubt that there is a shortage of those who literally believe that the world is actually propped up on the back of a giant tortoise. There was a docco on the box a while ago about a girl born in a poor rural village in India, painfully crippled and having a total of eight limbs by virtue of her headless parasitic twin. To the glowing delight of the village chief she was a one person freak show, tormented month after month by thousands of the devout, firmly believing her to be the living reincarnation of a Hindu goddess. Fortunately, with outside help, the parents were persuaded to act in the best interests of the child and she was given the medical attention she needed, the parasitic twin removed. No more religious freak show. The documentary ended on the report that with further surgeries down the track, the girl is expected to be able to walk.
Given the prevalence of the rigid Hindu caste system due to 1000's of years of religious tradition along with the subjugation, abuse and denigration of women and the alarming W.H.O. estimates on the infanticide of girls in India, her future is better than that of many. Denounce my dogmatism or myopia as you see fit, but I ultimately fail to be moved by any transcendent beauty in the tradition of religions that contribute to the "greater understanding" with myths about giant turtles, multi-limbed goddesses, vengeful devils or jinn’s or whatever else. At best such myths as a whole are harmless and at worst they perpetuate ignorance and lead people to behave towards others en mass with stupidity and cruelty greater than what would seem to be otherwise endowed by nature alone.

[/WAY O.T.]
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